Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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Entertainment > Movies > No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached

I went and saw that movie. Alone, in the afternoon. First time I've gone to a movie all by myself.

It was nice. No one to bug me. And the place was nearly empty.

The movie was okay. Not great, not horrible. I don't like Ashton Kutcher, so I probably would have enjoyed it more if it was someone else. There were some great scenes in it though, like when he wakes up naked in a strange house... "did I have sex with anyone in this room?"

I must complain however about people bringing babies into a theatre! There were two women, each with a baby and a toddler. And the babies cried. The movie certainly wasn't appropriate for the toddlers, and anyway there are special showtimes for moms that do want to bring kids.

Otherwise, it was great.

I have movie tickets expiring Jan 31, so I'm going to another movie on Thursday afternoon. Yeah me! I'm trying to put as much time as I can into myself - then I scramble later trying to catch up on the stuff I should have been doing instead (house cleaning, meal planning, cooking, errands, etc.)

It's warmed up nicely here, so I ran this morning (4.4k around the "block") and will hopefully do it again tomorrow morning, and Friday morning. I also made an appointment with a different woman doctor who is calling her clinic a "woman's health centre." I'll give it a try.

posted on Jan 25, 2011 9:13 PM ()


I posted my review of "NSA"--you might want to read it.
If you get a chance go see "The King's Speech"--excellent
comment by greatmartin on Jan 26, 2011 4:49 AM ()
I liked a theater in CA that had an age rule for evening movies. I think it was 6 or seven-year-olds minimum age in certain of their 20 or so theaters in the same building. No bawling. Great way to sit through a good flick. The first time I went to see Titanic the theater sounded like a day care center so I went out and asked for my money back and they gave me a rain check for later when the kids were banned. Good business!
comment by jondude on Jan 26, 2011 12:37 AM ()
I haven't heard of an age limit at theatres here. I went to
an early afternoon movie so I'd be able to get home before the kids
got home from school.
reply by crazylife on Jan 28, 2011 7:40 PM ()
You get to pick and choose a doctor? I am so jealous.
I would have complained about the crying babies but I don't like children.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 25, 2011 10:40 PM ()
The two towns I live between are probably both smaller than where
you live, but in the last few years several doctors have moved in!
Had a nice talk with the doctor today, it turns out we live
nearly close enough to be neighbours, and she wants to come visit
the library.
reply by crazylife on Jan 28, 2011 7:44 PM ()

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