Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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Parenting & Family > Drama Everywhere

Drama Everywhere

You'd have to live in a remote shack by yourself with no contact with other people to avoid drama all together, but I have way too much ##### drama in my life.

Most of it isn't even mine. :(

Let's see, there is work, there is my dad, there is the in laws, there is my friend (NDN: next door neighbour), there is the house burning down, there is Canada Post, there are my kids.... on and on.

Work: the new director and the board having issues. The assistant director taking off on "stress leave."

Dad: chemo for lymphoma. I feel bad that I haven't been over to see him, but while we are on good terms, my Dad and I don't really talk much. And he can't be around kids anyway.

In-laws: the usual nattering that drives me crazy

NDN: phones me crying one night. I don't know who it is at first, was getting worried that it was my mom crying because dad died! Then I figured it out. I've talked to her a lot lately about what is going on - her DH is a drunk, she's been hiding it and covering for him but he has become verbally abusive, and in front of their 9 year old. :(

Burnt house: still there. Smells bad when it's wet outside.

Canada Post: I bought a couple of DVDs from Amazon, and they are now late - tracking says they were routed to my new address. WHAT NEW ADDRESS??!! WTF??

Kids: the usual fighting crap, leaving big messes, not doing what I ask, etc. I love them, but damn! They make my life a nightmare some days.

On the good side (because I try to put some good stuff in when I rant about the bad):

- my photo calendars are ready for pick up
- I'm wonderfully sore from this week's exercise classes (yes, that's good, I like to be sore because that means I worked hard enough in the class!)
- I'm probably done my xmas shopping
- DH has been better behaved for the last little while (except for the boots reeking of gas put in a closet incident)
- I'm going out to dinner & a movie with a friend/co-worker after work tomorrow. Olive Garden & Breaking Dawn
- the water trough is holding it's water. and I found the missing broken plug. it was in my purse, like I thought, but had gone in an inside pocket that I didn't think to look in. :P
- I got paid this week
- it's warmer out and good running weather
- everyone has gone to bed and I have wine. it doesn't get much better than that! :)

posted on Nov 25, 2011 9:33 PM ()


I feel you pain--literally! I cut, split, tossed, lifted firewood (ash) for 3 hours yest. and am paying the price. I'm too old for this. At least my raising kids days are over! And work days. Hang in there.
comment by solitaire on Nov 27, 2011 5:47 AM ()
Drama everywhere---just another day of 'life'
comment by greatmartin on Nov 26, 2011 10:30 AM ()
I think it's so healthy to balance the irritants with the good things. I try to do that, and it usually works, but I don't have as much stress/drama as some people.
comment by troutbend on Nov 25, 2011 10:01 PM ()
I balance the bad stuff by sweating in exercise classes and running. And doing as much as I can for myself - I don't go as insane that way. I'm only a little insane.
reply by crazylife on Nov 27, 2011 2:58 PM ()
Quiet house and a glass of wine.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 25, 2011 9:55 PM ()
Add a good book or a good TV show... heaven!
reply by crazylife on Nov 27, 2011 2:57 PM ()

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