Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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Health & Fitness > 5 Dogs

5 Dogs

I touched 5 dogs on my run today! EEeek!

The first two, both black labs/retriever type looking dogs usually just bark from their yard. Then I noticed the gate was open. And they noticed too, and came running up to me. I stopped, they were a little concerned (whether I would be nice to THEM or not!), but I touched both, and continued on.

Next up, a house where I know the people, but haven't met their dogs, except on the road when two came over and got "too friendly" with me.

I was hoping they would not be there. But no luck, and THREE dogs come running out of the yard! Sigh. At least I had touched 2 of them before, and since they have kids in my son's class, the third one should be okay too.

And it was. Another black labs/retriever type dog, plus the two BIG fluffy dogs. I wish I new what breed. They are gorgeous. I petted for a moment, then their people called for them. I started down the road back home, thinking I've had enough dog encounters for the day.

They followed. Their people called. I stopped and told them to go home. They turned back. I continued. I heard people calling. The dogs were following me again. I told them to go home. One actually dropped down and acted submissive to me. Thanks, but go home.

By then, we were back to the first 2 dog's yard. They stayed in their yard this time, but they provided just enough distraction for me to get away from them. I eyed a dog in the next yard who really wanted to be out with the others, but it didn't escape.

Damn! I stopped running my favorite route because of 3 scary encounters with one dog, and now I'm nervous about this one. Even though the dogs are pretty friendly, it's scary. I still have 3 other directions I can run that don't seem to have loose dogs. I'll stick to those for awhile.


posted on Jan 2, 2012 7:47 PM ()


That's a shame to have to worry about this. Dog owners think their little darlings can do no wrong and don't realize how they act with strangers.
comment by troutbend on Jan 3, 2012 7:03 PM ()
I hate the ones that stand back and watch as their dog jumps on you or repeatedly sticks it's nose in your crotch.
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:45 PM ()
What happened there? no dog leash law there.checked this out and see what is going on there.
sorry,to hear this.No need.
comment by fredo on Jan 3, 2012 2:49 PM ()
There is a bylaw that your dog must be in your control. I did take down the house number of the dog that has scared me - I really thought I was going to be attacked, so might have to give bylaw a call...
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:48 PM ()
Where do you live that dogs roam?
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 3, 2012 2:14 PM ()
Out in the country, rural area. Dumb owners.
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:49 PM ()
Dogs can attack. One just never knows what to expect. I agree. Dogs should not be allowed to roam free.
comment by redimpala on Jan 3, 2012 11:02 AM ()
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:49 PM ()
Loose dogs here = a huge fine, but people do it anyway and then complain either about the dog getting picked up and taken to the shelter or the dog getting hit by a car.
comment by jondude on Jan 3, 2012 7:44 AM ()
I like dogs, I loved it when I was a kid and friendly dogs would show up at my house to play with me! But the dog that really scared me approached me on our 3rd encounter - I saw it and I stopped far down the road, not even in front of it's property to see what it would do. It came after me.
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:53 PM ()
Or, "He won't hurt you--he's never bitten anyone before". I know the fear, all too well, I'm afraid. And to your final sentence, I say "AMEN"!
comment by solitaire on Jan 3, 2012 5:28 AM ()
my hubby works as a service tech and everyone always says to him, our dog has never bit anyone. he then tells them, i would be the first to get bit. here is cesar millan's tip, no touch, no eye contact, no talk.
comment by elkhound on Jan 3, 2012 5:26 AM ()
Interesting - I already do no eye contact, I only touch them if they seem willing and contact me first - I keep my hands out of biting range until I figure they are okay. I do "baby talk" to them, so next time I'll be quiet and see what that does. The dog that seemed scared that I would be mean to it was reassured when I talked to it. But maybe it would help with more aggressive dogs.
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:55 PM ()
And people always say, "My dog is friendly, nothing to worry about." Yeah!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 2, 2012 8:20 PM ()
Another day, some people were at the end of their driveway waiting for the school bus. Their dog started approaching me so I stopped. I think they were yelling he's okay to me, but I waited until they got the point and the dog was called back and restrained. I called thank you as I passed.
reply by crazylife on Jan 3, 2012 7:58 PM ()

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