Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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The Depp Boys

Life & Events > Boring > I Follow My Hands with My Head

I Follow My Hands with My Head

(from a song playing in my head)

Oh the shit flying around here.

I feel like too much is hitting me at once: work, home, friends, family.

Drama at work - I'm taking next week off to get a good break from it

Constantly have to be on the kids to keep them doing what they are supposed to do (I'm telling them, you have 5 minutes to finish breakfast, and they stand in front of the open fridge, stretching and wasting time...)

Friend having major husband problems (told me he is a drunk, their daughter is a product of spousal rape - things are "on hold" for the moment for her last surgery - breast cancer - and xmas)

Husband had a skin spot removed - it's cancer, but very unlikely it has spread

My own husband's constant stupid stuff (told his mommy about the skin cancer before he told me. Shows where I am in his priorities).

My dad is doing chemo for his re-occurrence of cancer (he's beat it once...)

My brother is splitting with his live-in girlfriend, she sent me a message saying he is a drunk and is suicidal - my mom said it's because she is sick and depressing and is making him depressed

Good stuff:

I've been running right after work, in town (lots of snow and ice and stupid drivers who drive right into cross walks without looking - yes, I'm very careful) Oops, that was only half good...

I'm ready for xmas.

We get to skip one in-law xmas thing

I've planned to go to an xmas light show and ice skate on the 23rd (by donation), and go to the town's firefighters and santa and hot chocolate on the lake and ice skate on the night of the 24th (free).

We went to a community xmas party and had a great time ice skating in the arena, bouncers (kids only!), then riding 3 different horse drawn sleds under the stars in the dark, DD exclaiming she LOVES this, warming up at a bonfire. Cost a total of $9, $5 for raffle tickets and $4 for bouncers.

I have a job. And it pays more than minimum wage.

I get to take off the week between xmas & new years (paid for the 25th, the rest unpaid, library is closed, but could work if I wanted to)

I sewed elf skirts/aprons for work and everyone loved them (and I got paid for my time & materials).

I got to go to a lunch with 4 other present & past library employees, and it was wonderful. If nothing else goes right, that lunch *made* xmas for me. I'm very grateful to be included and to know them.

posted on Dec 21, 2011 10:01 PM ()


The very last of the 'goods' is my favorite.
comment by troutbend on Dec 23, 2011 10:41 AM ()
If everything else goes to hell, I'll consider that lunch with friends my Christmas celebration.
reply by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:22 AM ()
Kids with breakfast--sound like they are being kids (and tryingto drive parent crazier!!!)
comment by greatmartin on Dec 22, 2011 8:31 AM ()
Yes, especially when they play "good kid, bad kid."
reply by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:22 AM ()
Up late again (post time)? Merry solstice. I bet the sun is really low in the sky for you guys! It's about 40 deg F--warm enough to go running. No wind, no snow, no ice. You sound busy, frustrated, happy, angry, etc. I think you could have entered every one of the emoticons below following your post!
comment by solitaire on Dec 22, 2011 6:01 AM ()
Yup, I'm feeling a bit of everything. I rarely go to bed before 11pm. The sun stays to the south. The kid's bus comes around 7:55am, so I'm outside looking at the sunrise almost every morning.
reply by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:30 AM ()
comment by nittineedles on Dec 21, 2011 10:29 PM ()
reply by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:32 AM ()

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