Bobby Depp


Bobby Depp
Calgary, AB
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The Depp Boys

Health & Fitness > Yeah! Boo.

Yeah! Boo.

Procrastination paid off. I didn't get around to putting some stuff I have on sale on Facebook on eBay, and it's a good thing because I've sold 3 more items. Very happy!

And the $100 Visa gift card arrived in the mail. I'm going to buy warm winter running pants and a foam roller, maybe next week if I have time to get to the stores.

The boo part is I'm feeling down. Really down. Like want to drink myself drunk every night and eat everything in sight. No, I'm doing doing it, but I feel like it.

Part of it is not getting enough exercise. I'm definitely happier if I sweat everyday. But with the seriously cold weather the last 10 days, I've slacked off. And there has been a snow day with kids at home, and then a sick day for one kid. And me having to disinfect a bathroom to prevent kid #2 from getting sick, and then doing a proper cleaning up after DH so called "cleaned up" the barf all over the carpet. :(

And now he's pissed at me because I wasn't happy to see him home early so he could clip his toe nails. :P

It's warming up though, so maybe I can start running outside again. And I've noticed that the track that was cleared on the lake for motor bike racing looks perfect to ice skate on... just can't figure out a time that I could actually get out there alone.

posted on Jan 19, 2011 8:23 PM ()


Yes. Inquiring minds what to know.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 19, 2011 11:34 PM ()
Find a specific group for what you are selling.
reply by crazylife on Jan 20, 2011 10:53 AM ()
I didn't know you could sell 'stuff' on FB--do you mind telling what you sold and how did you 'advertise' it. I have had a lot of luck on
e-bay but always looking for another outlet!
Make some time for yourself to go ice skating--you need/want it! And somehow the world will go on with you gone for a /2 hour or so.
Sorry, I'm still laughing at DH's excuse for leaving work early!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 19, 2011 9:46 PM ()
Keep laughing, he deserves it.
I'm selling Lululemon workout clothes on the Facebook Group
Lululemon Exchange. Lululemon is high end and popular and I often
find items at thrift stores for cheap - and if they aren't my size,
I buy it to sell. I've also had good luck with local ad sites, ebay
has one in Canada called Kijiji, but it's called something differnt
in the US.
reply by crazylife on Jan 20, 2011 10:51 AM ()

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