How to Win - a Parable
Arab Carbon or American Carbon Equal Same Problem
Techno-dream of a Green Machine
Another Inconvenient, and Incredibly Stupid, Truth
On Drifting Toward the Middle
Ye Must Be Rebooted
The North Korean Cooling Tower Laugh
Pride, Justice or Jingoism, Meaning or Just Mean
Weather to Praise - and James Russell Lowell
Obama's Theme
And the Days Dwindle Down
Beating Around the Bush on Reason for the War
Ole King Coal 2: a Catalyst
Capital Memorial to the Veterans - the No Shows!
Symbols vs Behavior, Obama: Patriotism, Piety
Restoring the Balance
When it Hits Home
Hillary Compliments (Complements?) Obama
Ole' King Coal and Warm Globe Thing
More Bars
Change, End of Things, and Rip Pansies
How Much to Believe (?)
Hanging in There
Barack and Hillary, Two of a Mind?
Two Tulips, Where Are They Now?
Odds and Ends
Last Throes of Winter
Hillary, Snipers, Snipping, and Rapid-speak
Following the Money in Tibet
On Easter
A Self Perpetuating System - Inspite of Obama?
Confronting Evil
The Prayer of Jabez
In a Relationship
Fears: Good or Bad?
A Grammy Event: Foo'y
I Wish!
A Foot in Each Blog
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