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The North Korean Cooling Tower Laugh
The North Korean Cooling Tower Laugh
I for one have never liked calling a nation "evil" and "axis of evil" is not the brightest expression to come from the Bush writers. BUT, when the North Koreans say they will blow up the cooling tower of a nuclear plant, AND our media call it a "key component" of their nuclear program I have to laugh. Such a cooling tower is just composed of some tubes for hot water, past which air circulates as it flows upward through the large tower. The tower has a hyperbolic shape to increase the natural upward flow of air. The cooling tower functions to cool condensed steam from the electricity-producing turbines so it can be returned to the boiler and re-vaporized. The heat required can be provided by any source, coal, oil, solar, etc. ,or nuclear. BUT the cooling tower itself has nothing to do with the nuclear reactor!. In fact, if the cooling water is supplied by a river, for example, the nuclear power plant could even operate without the cooling tower - the hot water could just be discharged back into the river (not green, but possible). Here's hoping that we can begin meaningful peaceful negotiations with North Korea, but throwing such nonsense around, by either side, will not help!
posted on June 26, 2008 10:38 AM ()
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