Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > Another Big Change Needed!

Another Big Change Needed!

I am a supporter of Obama , but not a supporter of the “war” in Afghanistan. We, under Bush, originally attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan because they were harboring Al Qaeda, who claimed to have attacked The US. Then we attacked Iraq because they supposedly had connections with Al Qaeda and supposedly had nuclear weapon possibilities ( possibly also with an ulterior motive of getting control of the oil). Then, under Obama, the Democratic Party (and I am a member) decided that we must phase out of Iraq, but we must concentrate on Afghanistan again because that is where Al Qaeda is (presumably still a dangerous enemy). This made us look like we were still diligently fighting for our country, but in the right place. Now we hear that there are no Al Qaeda in Afghanistan; they (along with Osama Bin Laden, our biggest single enemy) are in Pakistan. So now let us summarize. We are still in Iraq, but moving out; we are in Afghanistan, and probably increasing troops there; Al Qaeda is now being harbored in Pakistan, which DOES have nuclear weapons (neither Afghanistan nor Pakistan have oil). Does this mean we should now attack Pakistan?

No! It means we need to put a stop to this nonsense before it goes any further and get out of both Iraq and Afghanistan – they should be allowed to adjust their cultures at their own pace, in the absence of our occupation. Meanwhile, it is impossible to believe that we cannot defend our country from future terrorist attacks, from the country itself rather than from half way around the world. THIS is the CHANGE I would like to see.

posted on Sept 14, 2009 12:49 AM ()

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