Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > Hillary Compliments (Complements?) Obama

Hillary Compliments (Complements?) Obama

I listened to Barack Obama's speech last night after the election results were in and was impressed as usual - also listened to Hillary's speech, not as impressive and a little scary when she claimed the need to count Florida and Michigan (it depends on HOW you count, of course). Then this morning I listened to Hillary again in W. VA. My wife said "she copies Obama", so I started listening more closely. Yep, I heard many of the same phrases as from Obama last night. So I said "do you suppose they just handed her Obama's speech to talk from?" Anyway they say that imitation is the most sincere form of compliment. And I would much rather hear her imitate Obama, than imitate John McCain, as she has been doing lately with her (and McCain's) ill-advised Tax Holiday! But she also could complement Obama, politically! Between them, they could pick up virtually all the Democrat base plus new voters and independents and win in a landslide bringing many more congressmen with them. So I am still, Pollyanna-like, rooting for an Obama-Hillary ticket, and I DO think it is possible, despite what the experts say. We just need to turn off the petty.
PS Cheers for John Edwards!- the three of them, one as VP nominee, plus Bill, should now march forward - not in the current, but toward revival of TRUE American values!!!

posted on May 7, 2008 10:28 AM ()


It's all but over for her. She will begin attacking McCain and the Repubs now and sparing Obama the insults. He is going to visit bgi battleground states now, in anticipation of the fall campaign.

When asked who I will vote for in November, my answer is this:

"Not for four dollar gasoline. Not for a 100-year occupation of Iraq. Not for the mortgage crisis or the price of bread. Not for all these factory closings."

Q: What do Hillary and GW Bush have in common?
A: Neither one had an exit strategy.
comment by jondude on May 7, 2008 6:31 PM ()
Hillary would be a dynamite Attorney General.
comment by bumpedoff on May 7, 2008 11:32 AM ()

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