I listened to Barack Obama's speech last night after the election results were in and was impressed as usual - also listened to Hillary's speech, not as impressive and a little scary when she claimed the need to count Florida and Michigan (it depends on HOW you count, of course). Then this morning I listened to Hillary again in W. VA. My wife said "she copies Obama", so I started listening more closely. Yep, I heard many of the same phrases as from Obama last night. So I said "do you suppose they just handed her Obama's speech to talk from?" Anyway they say that imitation is the most sincere form of compliment. And I would much rather hear her imitate Obama, than imitate John McCain, as she has been doing lately with her (and McCain's) ill-advised Tax Holiday! But she also could complement Obama, politically! Between them, they could pick up virtually all the Democrat base plus new voters and independents and win in a landslide bringing many more congressmen with them. So I am still, Pollyanna-like, rooting for an Obama-Hillary ticket, and I DO think it is possible, despite what the experts say. We just need to turn off the petty.
PS Cheers for John Edwards!- the three of them, one as VP nominee, plus Bill, should now march forward - not in the current, but toward revival of TRUE American values!!!
When asked who I will vote for in November, my answer is this:
"Not for four dollar gasoline. Not for a 100-year occupation of Iraq. Not for the mortgage crisis or the price of bread. Not for all these factory closings."
Q: What do Hillary and GW Bush have in common?
A: Neither one had an exit strategy.