Fears of global warming have been floating around like an unpleasant but ill defined fog. However, I do not agree, as some argue, that we must place the solution entirely on eliminating coal. I have not done the study but I suspect that just as much or more CO2 comes from car exhausts, jet planes, and industrial plants in general. Everything we burn produces CO2 including our backyard barbecue charcoal or propane. Besides coal is the most abundant energy producing material we have in the US. What we need to do is capture the CO2 from the coal power plant stacks, rather than eliminating coal. This can be done in a number of ways, such as conversion, biological use, and underground storage. All are expensive, but not as expensive as war and not as problematic as going to nuclear (which we may have to do too, but politically it will not be easy). Wind, solar, sun, wave, geothermal, all need to play a part, but it may not be possible to supply all the world energy needs with these alone. So let's not be hasty throwing out coal, let's work on capturing the CO2 instead.