Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > More Bars

More Bars

These days you hear a commercial claiming “more bars in more places” – meaning better strength of signal for your cell phone in more places. In my “first life” (BC-before Christ), this would have meant one type of thing, a chance to see what was on tap, a new single malt scotch, or in later stages, another place for a vodka martini. Today I see things differently and had another thought.
The theological picture that makes sense to me (and everyone probably has a different personal view of God) is that God communicates (therefore essentially exists for us) through the “space” that exists between particles of matter in the universe. This space is a continuum throughout the Universe, and of course exists in our bodies. This space carries many kinds of electromagnetic waves, as we know (TV , radio, cell phones, etc. – it is extremely “ broad band”). And, in my picture of things, it is the means by which God communicates with us and therefore essentially exists there for us (there is some text about this in the Gospel of John – “I in Him and He in us”, etc). So what about the bar stuff? Well, I think it has to do with prayer. As we pray, we essentially not only “tune to God’s frequency” (as we have often heard in Church), we, I think, must cause an increase in the signal – the Holy Spirit becomes stronger in us. So we do not have to go here or there or change positions to find more bars (as in cruising- of old days, or Church hopping-of the new life). We just need to pray more (“meditate”- for some) and concentrate on learning what God truly wants from us. Then, just as though we got a new cell phone, we will have “more bars in more places”. Hey, it works for me.

posted on May 5, 2008 10:07 AM ()


Hi Rara. A good enough analogy - I definitely know what you mean. I gave up too and threw away my cell phone (although they did not actually have them then). It was years before I got myself into such back shape that I could not handle another day by myself - and I reached for the phone. Fortunately someone was on the line (not a recording). Best call I ever madeBut I think it only works if you really want it to. Thanks for coming by - I appreciate your views on things
comment by baseeker on May 5, 2008 11:23 AM ()
interesting comparison
to me, there are many ways to "tune to the frequency". you know, other than what religions taught us. people have different approach, different methods. some change to new cells, some go look for signals. a lot of us give up. but a great number seem to think there's no point in even having a cellphone. sorry, bad analogy
comment by raragoe on May 5, 2008 10:31 AM ()

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