Well, around we go again; Easter is in two weeks. We are practicing Easter songs in choir. The one I like has a lot of good tenor notes in the range of E natural. I find that as I get older I get even shorter, which I am already used to, but also my voice gets lower, which is inconvenient when the tenor is supposed to hit a good solid rousing F sharp. Oh well, I will make do with E's. Any way that is not what I am sad about. Easter started out to be a magical time when an Easter Bunny came in somehow at night and left a lot of great stuff, most of it Chocolate! - I could not quite figure out how to believe such a thing could happen - but what to heck, it was good candy. Later I had more fun with the kids. I was sad when all of that was over. Still later I found that the whole thing actually was about a really good guy, who taught and healed people free, being tortured to death by some power-coveting church folks who basically were afraid of him. That made me REALLY sad!, and I still am, especially when I hear some today proclaiming His name but not following His teaching. He said on the cross, "forgive them because they don't really know what they are doing'. The sad thing is that after 2000 years we, as a world mostly still do not. There may not ever be more than a relative handful that following his teaching and forgive and try to heal wounds and even turn the other cheek. I know that, even though I absolutely know why He said that is the only Way to go, I still find myself violating it, as though I still also did not understand. So here is to the new life represented by the bunny and eggs, and here is to Jesus, who, by the way, also showed that there is more out there than just this limited existence. And here is to a new day of still trying to get it right.
Happy Easter, y'all!