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Capital Memorial to the Veterans - the No Shows!
Capital Memorial to the Veterans - the No Shows!
It was on Public Television. It was a beautiful tribute to those who tried their best to do what their government demanded of them. The music was pretty good, the actors read well, most widows looked brave, they wheeled out some recent wounded, and told again the glory of WWII, even a little about the current madness, and lots of brass on stage with the Marine Band(great group), and Collen Powell appeared, probably still sad about the snow job they had done on him. BUT where were they? - where were the politicians who authorized the two wars we now are in, where were the members of the administration, where was Chaney, where was Rumsfeld (did he die?), where was BUSH? On Memorial Day Vacation? fishing, driving a pickup in Crawford, out politicking/fund raising? Where? Anyway, they WERE NOT THERE. Does anyone know why? Or was it just entertainment after all and they had better things to do. If I don't stop here I will either cry or cuss. So that's it. Veterans, and active duty, we do love you guys! Try to stay safe; it has got to end soon - hang on!
posted on May 25, 2008 6:57 PM ()
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