I've been busy fixing that fruit cake. It wasn't easy gluing it back together. I then added a little frosting to help cover up my glue mess. Sorry... it just doesn't look the same as it did when it arrived. But, I'm sending it on to another blogger who can then send it on to someone else.
p.s. I almost sent it to jerms as today is his wedding. I thought maybe they needed some fruitcake. Congrats Jeremy on the big day!!!!
O.K., Honeybugg!
This is for you!

You've got the fruitcake.
and here it is...

1. If you see a post comment that says "You've got the fruitcake" then it belongs to you! If you know how to cut and paste the fruitcake, do so and pass it to the next person. If you don't know how to cut and paste... just send the message on the title of your post.
2. You can hold the fruitcake no longer than 24 hrs. If the person YOU sent the fruitcake to hasn't responded, then you must resend.
3. There is a chance you may get the fruitcake SEVERAL times - when sending, try and make sure it goes to someone who will probably hand it off with glee.
4. At midnight on Christmas Eve, blogeyes usually hop on line for a second to see WHO got stuck with the fruitcake