And now, I'm enjoying this delicious treat. Thanks Jon!!!!

How embarrassing... you caught me with my mouth full. :o(
Aaaaaa.... what did you say? Speak up... my hearing is not so good and neither is my eyesight.
Not suppose to eat it??????? But, I thought it was a present from Jon.
Oops!!!! I didn't read the fine print. Guess I'm suppose to send it on. That seems pretty unfair. I get this fruit cake and now, I'm suppose to give it away. Shucks!!!!
Well... guess I'd better get busy in the kitchen and start baking another one... or maybe..... I can paste this one back together. It wasn't in that great of shape when I got it. I think the postman had dropped it or something....?????
Okay... got to go and fix this cake and send it on.
Now where did I put the Elmer's glue?
Later... Annie :o)