Ya'll probably thought that I had succumbed to my back pain. Nope.. I'm still here. I just haven't felt like sitting at the computer much these days. Mostly, I'm just paying bills when I am on the computer. Ugh!!!! What a nasty job!!!!
I'm still working on getting better, but it is going slowly and there are good days and not so good days. I may not ever be back to what I consider "normal." My caregiver tells me, I may have to get used to a "new normal." I'm not so thrilled with that prospect.
I really like my caregiver. I will have to put up one of her YouTube video's. She is a teacher of folk dancing, especially dances from Turkey. She is quite talented and I can hardly wait to be well enough to learn some of her dances. I tried a couple of easy ones, but that put me in bed for the next two days. I guess I'm not ready for dancing... yet!
I know I am way behind on replying to your blog comments and reading your blogs. I mean to try to catch up... just be patient with me. lol
Today is JR's and my wedding anniversary. We really got married the last of November in Reno, but we celebrate our anniversary on July 1st as we had a big family wedding at Aspen Ridge Resort that following summer (2000). But... as usual, he is off in the truck somewhere. He will be home tonight and I'm really looking forward to seeing him.
Also, I'm happy to report that Buddy is back home and completely healed from his run-in with the longhorn cow.
Well... now... to get on with my day.
Love & (((hugs))) to all of you and thank you for thinking of me and sending up prayers.
Annie :o)
p.s. Hello to my dear friend... Marge. I've been missing you lately!!!!