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Life & Events > A Train Ride to No Where!

A Train Ride to No Where!

Things have not been going well here in Southern Illinois. On Mother's Day, I received a call from my daughter. She is in trouble again. Her husband has been arrested on theft charges; they have no income, and the bills are piling up. I have bailed them out of so much trouble in the past that I find that this is a train ride that I do not wish to take any longer. My daughter has been married to this bum for 15 years, and there has been one drama after another. I can't really say how much money that I have spent taking care of their problems, but the time has come for me to back off. If it were just my daughter, I might be persuaded to help once again, but I cannot condone her living with this individual and thinking of no one else but him.
When things were the darkest for me, hubby came in with a gift. He has gone to the barn and found a poor little kitten that had been deserted by its mom. The little thing can't be but a couple of weeks old and so very, very cute. Hubby made a quick trip to Paducah, KY to the PetsMart and bought formula and bottles. The little tyke is thriving, eating like a pig and has adopted me as its mama. It scoots along the floor following my voice and nestles its little body next to mine. Last night, it slept through the entire night getting up at 4:30 for its feeding. I have named the little one(a girl, I think) Serendipity and am calling it Reni for short. I now have something additional to nuture since I have three cats and a dog in the house already! One cat and the dog are my son's who has come home while he goes to nursing school. The other two cats I raised on the bottle also. They too had been abandoned by their mom's. What is happening to this world when moms put their own desires before their children? My daughter seems to have been doing that for years.
I hope that I will not be judged harshly for my refusal to remain on this train that appears to be heading for destruction. Sometimes, we just can't be held accountable for someone else's choices.

0 comments on A Train Ride to No Where!

posted on June 2, 2008 8:47 AM ()


Angie, my friend, it is so nice to see you back. You certainly have had a lot on your mind. Only you and your hubby really know what should and shouldn't be's a decision I'm sure you both worked out for what is best. And, if it means letting your daughter deal with it and working it out, then that means it is time to do so.

I love the fact that you have a tiny kitten to care for and add to your furry friends. That kitty needed a good mama and now she has one. (I said "she" because that's what you said you think the kitten is.)

I like that you are back. I pray nothing keeps you away again unless, of course, there are good things that are the reason.
comment by donnamarie on June 4, 2008 6:56 PM ()
Hugs Angie.
comment by elderjane on June 4, 2008 2:58 PM ()
When tough love is all that's left, that's what we must do. I no longer bail my oldest daughter out of her financial situations. I set her on the course once, bought her a car, paid a bunch of her bills and now it's up to her to carry on. If she doesn't, then that's on her.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 4:38 PM ()
Hurray, you're back! I must agree with you and others--it's time to put a halt to bailing out "family". I'm in a similar situation with two (!) of my daughters. Things will work out, and if they don't..... well, so be it.
comment by solitaire on June 3, 2008 12:41 PM ()
Oh, Angie...I'm so sorry to read that things have been going this way and that you're on the same road traveled too often with your daughter. I don't imagine that it's any easier to refuse the help this time, but you know what's best for you *and* for her...even if she doesn't realize it, yet. Keep cuddling that sweet little kitten and give it everything you wish you could give to your daughter....
comment by janetk on June 3, 2008 6:53 AM ()
I recently had to do the same with my son angie. not that he was getting into trouble. but lying all the time and not taking responsibility for anything. sometimes we have to do what is hardest to let them grow up.
the baby kitten sounds delightful! I love the name, so cute! you must post a pic of her!
comment by elkhound on June 3, 2008 6:37 AM ()
Awww so glad to hear the news of your new little baby kitten!! I'm sorry Angie but, I think sometimes you just have to back away and let them sink or swim. You have done all you can above and beyond. No one will judge you for that hon. Love you lots and here are BIG (((((((HUGS))))))
comment by texastar on June 2, 2008 10:36 PM ()
Some days it is hard to believe that they are 'supposed to be' grown up and living on their own, when they lean on us until we cave in. Standing firm with tough love is the best way....but it will be so hard to do. In the long run, you'll be happier for standing up for yourself. When we willingly climb on a runaway train, headed for disaster it is of our own choosing. You can choose to watch this train just slide on down the tracks. So, SOOOOOO hard to do. You have hugs and prayers from me!!
comment by dakmom on June 2, 2008 2:38 PM ()
You know what, tough love is still love. She'll be better for it in the long run, even though your heart will want to do something else, don't listen to it. This is what is best for her. I love the kitten story. Give Reni a smooch from me!
comment by teacherwoman on June 2, 2008 10:51 AM ()
So nice to see you back here! I agree that sometimes tough love is needed in situations like this. Until people really hit rock bottom with no one to bail them out, they'll never really wake up and learn to take action for themselves. I love the story about your new kitten. How appropriate that something so innocent and precious should come into your life also needing your care around the same time that your daughter asked to be bailed out for the millionth time...
comment by mellowdee on June 2, 2008 9:34 AM () really makes one wonder about the abuse and acceptance at a certain level for so many years. I love the symbolism of that little kitty in this story, she can not fend for her life with out your help, however your daughter can and she's chosen not to apparently. The very best of luck!
comment by strider333 on June 2, 2008 9:27 AM ()

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