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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > Cuffed and Stuffed!

Cuffed and Stuffed!

My fifteen year old daughter looks just like my side of the family. You can see generations of Witches' in her face. She has the best sense of humor. She has none of the shame that plagued me as a child. She will burst out in song and dance at the drop of a hat. I feel extremely close to her at times.

She is also my worst nightmare. She has no damn fear of the world and she craves adventure all the time. She thinks that since she looks like a woman that she is a grown woman who can do what ever she pleases.

She ran away two nights ago. She is the reason last night I could not sleep. I got to sleep at about 3am then woke up at 6am and started my day sick with fear for my child. She left a note that said and I quote "I am leaving. I have had enough. I have a place to stay and I will call." I was so sick, sad and ANGRY. You had enough give me an f-ing break! I have had enough! When do I get to run off?

She came home this morning at about 10am. She called like nothing was wrong, like she had just gone to the store or some crap.

I am so happy she is safe and home, but at the same time I am so mad at her and I am scared that she will do it again. I don't want to EVER go threw that again! I don't know any sicker feeling than not knowing where your kid is. You think all kinds of terrible stuff. She packed a bag but then left it here. I kept worrying that she was cold. I kept thinking about the fact she does not have a dime to her name.

The worst part about all of this is she had no reason to do it. We were not fighting and she is loved. What the hell? What else can you do?

To sum it all up I despise teenagers. Right now girl teenagers! All her stupid friends that would not help me find her. There is one girl who came knocking on my door that knew that my daughter was gone, because she was in on the plan. She stood on my porch and acted like she was looking for my daughter. She best not ever step foot in my yard again!

Anyhow I am better now, just trying to get over the shock of the last couple of days.

Oh and then you know what happen? A friend of mine that we will call IDIOT, signed me up for a jail and bail fund raiser. Are you kidding me? One hour sitting in a cage at the local Outback Steak House.

They offered to have off duty cops come fake arrest me for the event. That would be great for the neighbors to see, pregnant lady being cuffed and stuffed in the front yard. They also want to take some mug shots to promote this. I almost asked if we could just use my one from the County Jail. It is sooo bad that it is sooo goood. That is a whole other story.

posted on Apr 18, 2008 6:14 PM ()


Been there, done that--raising 3 teen daughters on my own. It ain't always peaches and cream.
comment by solitaire on Apr 20, 2008 11:57 AM ()
Ugh...I'm raising a daughter, currently just eleven, still a child in so many way's but soon to be hitting those teenage years. Anybody seen my Xanex?.... I wish you well with your "baby girl."
comment by justmyopinion on Apr 19, 2008 10:56 AM ()
So, how did you handle the situation with your daughter? I don't know what I would do in a situation like that. I think that girls are much more difficult than boys--at least in my experience. They rebel so easily but the sense sometimes comes with adulthood--then again---
comment by angiedw on Apr 19, 2008 5:17 AM ()
I am recently a parent to a teenage daughter (my girlfriends daughter, and now mine as well) and for the most part she is a good kid. A little attitude here and there, which I wasn't quite ready for (I have a 7 year old boy, so I wasn't prepared for the teenage stuff yet ;)) But even only having her in my home for about 8 months now, I couldn't imagine what I would do if something like that happened. Maybe she just wanted to see if she could do it, or how you would react to it. Sounds like it wasn't something she really wanted to do since she was back home by 10 (fingers crossed)
comment by fugzy on Apr 19, 2008 2:07 AM ()
The jail bit may be good practice...
comment by strider333 on Apr 18, 2008 10:44 PM ()
Oh man, that is brutal about your daughter... and what a little b*tch her friend is.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 18, 2008 7:18 PM ()
My daughter didn't have the courtesy to leave me a note. She was mortified when I made her call the cops to let them know she was home. (Not that the lard a**, donut munching, jerk was even looking for her.)
comment by nittineedles on Apr 18, 2008 6:50 PM ()
Your daughter sounds like my parents' adopted daughter(I refuse to call her my sister.) She gets a bug up her butt and runs away. Sara is now 25 and still acts like a spoiled teenager. I just hope your daughter isn't into meth like Sara was and still may be. She finished her millionth stint in rehab. Best of luck to you.
comment by draco on Apr 18, 2008 6:24 PM ()

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