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This Oughta Be Good

News & Issues > Smoky


Today the sunshine has a fake yellow-gold color to it, as if we are in a science fiction movie about life on an alternate planet. Turns out there is a haze of smoke in the air from wildfires, and it's filtering through that. We can smell it, too.

No wildfires near us right now, but there is a big one down on the Arizona-New Mexico border, hundreds of miles from here.

Wildfire Today is a website that provides a map of active fires in the United States and shows where the smoke plumes extend to.

The red dots are fires, while the smoke is green (thin), yellow (moderately dense), and purple (dense). The Wallow fire in southeast Arizona is responsible for much of the smoke in the central United States.

It's just amazing to see how far the smoke travels, a lesson in wind patterns.

Down in Loveland, looking toward where I live, you can't even see the high mountains for the smoke.

posted on June 5, 2011 4:08 PM ()


We had some troubling wild fires before the rainy season finally kicked in. Grateful that happened and yesterday we had a mini monsoon and I couldn't bike, but I am not complaining. I too worry about the animals. Also hearing about record heat that is killing animals and people too. Very sad business.
comment by tealstar on July 23, 2011 5:40 AM ()
Yes,wildfire and brush fires are happening.
It has been very dry here in New England.
comment by fredo on June 6, 2011 9:51 AM ()
It has been very hot and dry in the southwest this spring and summer.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:14 PM ()
Looks as though that smoke haze is heading straight for Oklahoma and North Texas.
comment by redimpala on June 6, 2011 6:58 AM ()
Definitely spreading all to the east. See traveltales post today for an update.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:12 PM ()
I see that we are in the purple area. I hate these fires particularly
for the baby animals and the unfortunate people caught up in them.
comment by elderjane on June 6, 2011 6:28 AM ()
We are almost certain to have some in this area late this summer, but I'm keeping a good thought it won't be too bad.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:13 PM ()
No smoke here, but before the rain, lots of blowing dust. I'm very worried about fire danger in your area one of these days.
comment by solitaire on June 6, 2011 5:48 AM ()
Yes, it's a constant worry, especially now that we are entering a dry spell.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:16 PM ()
Sad. I think about the animals in the fire zones, too. The only dense smoke I get is up in my studio where I keep the windows open to try and cool the room. It gets heavy smoke from my hillbilly neighbors' backyard wood fires. How they can sit around that at eleven p.m. and guzzle light beer is beyond me!
comment by jondude on June 6, 2011 5:07 AM ()
My redneck in-law cousins like to put a piece of copper pipe inside a piece of rubber hose and throw it in the fire - makes beautiful colors, but the smoke is probably really toxic.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:18 PM ()
that might explain our chilly weather here lately. it's getting better though...the last coupla days have been devine.

yer at last pal
comment by honeybugg on June 6, 2011 3:29 AM ()
I'm glad to see the warmer weather, and we have the occasional breeze. So pleasant.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:19 PM ()
I have been reading about the fires — very troubling the way they are raging out of control. I'm worried for my Arizona blog pals.
comment by marta on June 5, 2011 7:30 PM ()
It is 233,500 some acres, that sounds like it would cover an entire state. They are lucky it's out in rural areas, but there are surely homes in the way.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:20 PM ()
Well that is interesting.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 5, 2011 7:19 PM ()
To think about how the smoke can blow clear across the country like that.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:21 PM ()
Actually a beautiful, sunny, warm here but I understand there is a huge wildfire in Krome, suburb of Miami, 40-45 miles from here--unfortunately we are too dry in South Florida--the 'rainy season' isn't delivering.
comment by greatmartin on June 5, 2011 5:47 PM ()
It has been a very strange year weather-wise, and more to come.
reply by troutbend on June 6, 2011 7:15 PM ()

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