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This Oughta Be Good

Politics & Legal > Mississippi Justice

Mississippi Justice

This is from the ABA Journal website.

Jailed for Life in $11 Robbery, Freed Sisters to Save State Money as 1 Donates Kidney to Other

Jailed for life in Mississippi over an $11 armed robbery, two sisters weren't scheduled for possible release until 2014.

But the state governor brokered their early release in the controversial case, saving Mississippi a lot of money because one sister, Jamie Scott, is on dialysis. Meanwhile, the other, Gladys Scott, has offered to donate a kidney to her sibling, reports the Clarion-Ledger.

"Their incarceration is no longer necessary for public safety or rehabilitation, and Jamie Scott’s medical condition creates a substantial cost to the state of Mississippi," says Gov. Haley Barbour yesterday in a written statement announcing the indefinite suspension of their sentences after 16 years served.

Among those who have advocated on behalf of the sisters, who had no prior record and say they are innocent of the crime for which they were convicted, is Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts.

Their mother also says they were framed, but "whatever the proximate cause of this ridiculous sentence, the larger cause is clear," writes Pitts. "The Scott sisters are black women in the poorest state in the union. And as report after report has testified, if you are poor or black, the justice system long has had a tendency to throw you away like garbage.

"If you doubt it, play with the scenario in your head. Try to imagine some rich white girl doing double life for an $11 robbery."

The kidney donation is a condition of the parole. From another news item, here is how this is going to save money ($200,000 a year for dialysis) for the state of Mississippi:

"The sisters' attorney, Chokwe Lumumba, said once released, they will go live with their mother and children in Florida. MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps said on Thursday that the state of Florida has 45 days to investigate the living situation to make sure that it is fit for the Scott sisters."

So presumably the cost of the surgery and follow-up will be paid by the state of Florida because it's not as if these unemployed women are going to have private healthcare insurance.

and here is what they were convicted of, I know you're dying to know:

"According to court records, the Scott sisters were found guilty in 1994 of luring two men down a road near Forest, where three young assailants used a shotgun to rob the men. Gladys Scott is now 36 years old and Jamie Scott is 38 years old."

posted on Dec 30, 2010 11:25 PM ()


We have all heard from Sue about this windbag. Pallen and he would be
some scary ticket.
comment by elderjane on Jan 2, 2011 1:15 PM ()
I saw this story....racism is still here and still poisonous. I'm glad Haley Barbour did the right thing but I think it was politically motivated.

yer he's a gunnin' for the White House, no pun intended pal
comment by honeybugg on Jan 1, 2011 11:25 AM ()
What part of idiot do they not understand.
comment by fredo on Dec 31, 2010 1:04 PM ()
Indeed. I'm sure he thinks this is going to help him get elected to President.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 2:10 PM ()
oh my... that is beyond ridiculous...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 31, 2010 11:41 AM ()
I sure hope this Haley Barbour's presidential campaign doesn't get very far because I don't want to be hearing from him on national news.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 2:08 PM ()
They should never, have been given a life sentence! Atrocious! I can't stand racist bigotry.
I hope the two sisters have a happy and healthy (after the transplant) remaining life

comment by augusta on Dec 31, 2010 8:51 AM ()
According to the articles they are pretty cheery about it, and they looked really nice in the photos. I guess at some point a person has to just look ahead and not backwards.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 2:07 PM ()
Ah, southern justice is alive and well, it would appear!
By the way, Pitts is not a radical, anti-white journalist. He is one of the best and most respected journalists in the country whose column is nationally syndicated. I am going to have to look for his articles about these sisters.
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 31, 2010 7:27 AM ()
I'll look online, too. Have a nice festive evening, Dottie.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 2:06 PM ()
I wonder what Sue (Susil) has to say about this? She's a Haley Barbour fan (NOT!).
comment by solitaire on Dec 31, 2010 6:13 AM ()
I wish she'd get a new computer so we'd be in better touch.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 6:38 AM ()
Haley Barbour is Jim Crow in disguise. Always has been. Always will be.
comment by jondude on Dec 31, 2010 3:17 AM ()
He's going to run for President. For total circus, he should find out if Ms. Palin wants to run on his ticket, for VP, except maybe even she would be put off by the stench. What am I saying? Nothing would discourage her, and she wouldn't care if she/they won, so long as she got a lot of publicity.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 6:41 AM ()
Hmmm, thinking of adding Barbour to my dart board.
reply by tealstar on Dec 31, 2010 4:36 AM ()
Absolutely unbelievable, including the state's reason for releasing save the cost of dialysis. The governor needs to serve the rest of their life sentence.
comment by sigkappres on Dec 31, 2010 1:20 AM ()
It's one of those stories that you just peel like an onion. Makes me wonder how many other people in MS prisons have stories similar to this one, maybe not the dialysis, but the rest of it.
reply by troutbend on Dec 31, 2010 6:49 AM ()

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