The other day we took a little stroll through downtown Las Vegas to see what's going on.
The city has installed these parking meters to collect donations for the homeless and semi-homeless.

Here is El Cortez, which has been around since the 1940s and Bugsy Siegel was part owner at one time. Of course it looks better at night.

Custom carpet (B for Binions) in the Binions famous poker room. The World Series of Poker started out at Binions and was hijacked by Strip/semi-Strip hotels when Binions started to struggle.

Here's the Binions limo, Cadillac Fleetwood. They are probably the original owner from when it was new in the late 1950s, maybe early 60's. It's got steer horns attached to the front of the hood, classic Texas high roller-style. Back when this car was new, that's where the money came from - Texas oil. How times have changed.