I know, I know! I had promised to be much better at keeping up with blogs, but I haven't posted anything in at least a week. I am not sure what has been up, but every night, I came home and fell asleep in the early evening while watching television on the couch! That probably surprises most of you because I am usually quite the night owl. Maybe it is the cooler weather we have been having. Maybe it was just all the excitement that has been happing in the last few weeks catching up with me. The good news is that I am OK.
Work has been really interesting. I found a disk in my desk this week that ended up having a few pictures of the monastery where the library is now. I posted them to my Facebook page.

On that same day, some current monks from the order came to the library for a visit and a tour and dropped some of their homemade jams and jellies. I guess they do that about twice a year with some of their newest members. I got to take three jars home: pomegranate, strawberry rhubarb and red raspberry. I already tried a bit of all three, and all I can say is YUM!! I am not sure how widely it is distributed in stores, but I know they can be found in the New England area as Trappist (the name of the order) jams.
I have really been diving in at work with various tasks. I spent some time research tablet computers. The new director, and the person who had my job before me, has been hoping to but one for the library so the Reference staff could use it to bring a computer into the stacks when they are helping patrons. I went through Consumer Reports to get a few reviews and visited company sites to come up with my recommendations as to what I thought would be the best one to go with for our needs.
I also spent a good chunk of today looking on coming up with a new Technology Plan that will guide the library in improving technology in all areas over the next year. As part of that, I am going to have to come up with a new social media policy to go over how we should be using tools like Facebook and Twitter for marketing purposes. The library hasn't had one before now so I am looking forward to working on that.

I went to a party lat Saturday night. It was one of those homegoods type events where you get a presentation about the products before buying things. It was for PartyLite candles, which was a company I had never heard of before. They basically ahve all sorts of candle-related items as well as some food goods, like a mix to make beer bread. I had a really good time. The whole group was relaxed and it was a wine and cheese party as well. Lots of laughter and fun. I ended up staying at the part until 2am, which probably played into my early nights this week!
All-in-all, it has been a pretty good week, though. It was busy, but good. Hopefully, I can get back into the blogging routine again.