Today definitely seemed to just fly by. I did my usual Sunday shift at the old library, which was great. It was really touching because a number of patrons told me how much they missed me now that I was no longer working there full-time. One woman even told me that she had waited to come to do her research until today because she knew I was going to be in, and she really wanted my help on it. It really made me feel really good about the work I had done there for so long.

I definitely felt like I had class overload today. I decided to take a break on Friday, which was a day off from all work. Instead of working on my lectures for this week, I decided to just veg with some episodes of
Waking the Dead, which was a British mystery show that was about a team of police officers made up of detectives, a forensic anthropologist and a psychologist/profiler. It is really a fun show. In a way, it is kind of liike
CSI only a bit less gory. It was a lot of fun. There are 5 episodes in the first season, with each episode being about an hour and a half. I watched all of them between Wednesday and yesterday (Saturday). The result was some good down time.

The other result was that I had two do both lectures this afternoon as well as getting caught up with the online discussions and covering my office hours this evening. It worked out in that I got everything done, but it ended up feeling like a bit of an overdose. On the bright side, I think I had more students stop in for my office hours than I have had since I started offering them in an online chatroom a few years ago. I think I ended up talking to about 5 students all together about various topics, which was pretty exciting. Usually, I end up sitting on the couch watching TV with my laptop next to me for the whole time only to find that no one would show up.

I also got the laundry done today, which seems to have fallen into a Sunday afternoon/evening routine for me. I settle in with the Sunday political talk shows (both national and local) while that is running along. It goes pretty well. I even got the whole batch folded and put away. Yippee!

I have actually started playing a game on Facebook. I had given up most of the social games, but a number of my friends had dug in with The Sims Social so I thought I would give it atry. it has worked out weel because it doesn't really tie me up for all that much time, and I end up enjoying it quite a bit. So, it really is a nice combination.