Aaron Coutu


Aaron Coutu
Pascoag, RI
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Stories From My Real Life

Life & Events > A Sunday with Aaron

A Sunday with Aaron

Today definitely seemed to just fly by. I did my usual Sunday shift at the old library, which was great. It was really touching because a number of patrons told me how much they missed me now that I was no longer working there full-time. One woman even told me that she had waited to come to do her research until today because she knew I was going to be in, and she really wanted my help on it. It really made me feel really good about the work I had done there for so long.

I definitely felt like I had class overload today. I decided to take a break on Friday, which was a day off from all work. Instead of working on my lectures for this week, I decided to just veg with some episodes of Waking the Dead, which was a British mystery show that was about a team of police officers made up of detectives, a forensic anthropologist and a psychologist/profiler. It is really a fun show. In a way, it is kind of liike CSI only a bit less gory. It was a lot of fun. There are 5 episodes in the first season, with each episode being about an hour and a half. I watched all of them between Wednesday and yesterday (Saturday). The result was some good down time.

The other result was that I had two do both lectures this afternoon as well as getting caught up with the online discussions and covering my office hours this evening. It worked out in that I got everything done, but it ended up feeling like a bit of an overdose. On the bright side, I think I had more students stop in for my office hours than I have had since I started offering them in an online chatroom a few years ago. I think I ended up talking to about 5 students all together about various topics, which was pretty exciting. Usually, I end up sitting on the couch watching TV with my laptop next to me for the whole time only to find that no one would show up.

I also got the laundry done today, which seems to have fallen into a Sunday afternoon/evening routine for me. I settle in with the Sunday political talk shows (both national and local) while that is running along. It goes pretty well. I even got the whole batch folded and put away. Yippee!

I have actually started playing a game on Facebook. I had given up most of the social games, but a number of my friends had dug in with The Sims Social so I thought I would give it atry. it has worked out weel because it doesn't really tie me up for all that much time, and I end up enjoying it quite a bit. So, it really is a nice combination.

posted on Sept 18, 2011 8:33 PM ()


I love Waking the Dead. I have seen all episodes available in the US. In the last episode, Danny gets shot and I don't know if he survives until I can find the newest episodes. The Brits don't think twice about killing off a central character. I experienced that with MI5.
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 7, 2011 8:46 AM ()
Eek! That is a scary thought. It looks like there are 5 seasons available in our library network.
I know what you mean about characters not being safe in BBC productions. The actors seem to be ready to move on much more quickly thank American actors.
reply by lunarhunk on Oct 7, 2011 9:16 AM ()
i downloaded them on spotnet
comment by itsjustme on Sept 28, 2011 6:46 AM ()
I have never heard of Spotnet. I will have to look into it. Is it like Netflix?
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 28, 2011 7:51 AM ()
Try dexter... I was addicted already after episode 1 and watched 3 seasons in 3 weeks time ( doing the same now with true blood btw)
comment by itsjustme on Sept 28, 2011 6:39 AM ()
Wow ...I guess you were addicted! I will have to give it a try. I can get the seasons through our library network for free.
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 28, 2011 6:43 AM ()
So reading is done now... for tv shows: do u watch Dexter and True blood?
You are getting used in your new job Aaron?
I must admit it all feels so familiar reading these things i so have missed from you. We know each other quite some time and I only can say it really feels good having a friend like you
comment by itsjustme on Sept 26, 2011 7:55 AM ()
I love True Blood, but haven't done Dexter. Both series are based on really popular book series in America.
I love my new job!
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 26, 2011 8:02 AM ()
How have I missed this blog? I'm loving it!I love downtime with a favourite show on DVD. There's something indulgent about watching a whole bunch of episodes in a row. The only trouble is that I tend to eat.
comment by juliansmom on Sept 19, 2011 5:44 PM ()
Now, I didn't say I wasn't snacking while I watched the movies. I created this blog because my other blog was connected to my Facebook page. I liked the ability to complain and whine without some of the people who know me locally getting the scoop so I created this new account.
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 19, 2011 5:47 PM ()
Glad you had a good day. We need to take it easy some of the time.
comment by elderjane on Sept 19, 2011 6:57 AM ()
Thanks! That is true. Martin is always trying to get me to slow down a bit. For some reason, I struggle with that.
reply by trekbrarian on Sept 19, 2011 7:23 AM ()
And the truth--how many times did you 'catnap' while watching the 'walking the dead'?????
comment by greatmartin on Sept 18, 2011 8:47 PM ()
I actually was good. Maybe I had caught up with my sleep after falling asleep early for most of the week, but I stayed awake for all of the episodes.
reply by trekbrarian on Sept 18, 2011 9:01 PM ()

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