I was reading about Tiger Woods and it seems that his game is totally off, this has been going on a long time, and his star has dwindled to mediocrity. The speculation is that he’ll have to settle for being average.
It seems that Tiger’s abilities have been severely affected by his scandal and its aftermath. But I can’t see how anyone of such talent, assuming he pulls himself together, can’t ever be great again. Was that earlier larger-than-life talent just a fluke? I don’t even watch golf but I know about skill. You don’t just lose it because you are having a bad emotional time. What Tiger has lost is his focus. This can come back. Those who are writing him off are quick to judge and to “decide†his career is over. I hope he fools them.
My take on it, please, all you who can’t forgive what he did to his family, has nothing to do with his character. It has to do with, was he a golf great or not. He was. If he can lose his greatness, it’s something we should be sad about because it means that no matter what you achieve, you can lose it in an instant and for reasons having nothing to do with ability and if you can maintain the aspects of yourself that were good, the rest of you can catch up. It is relevant, too, I think, that if he has lost his focus, he is fighting an inner fight and his own dismay at what has happened. This is the beginning of reclamation.
Xx, Teal