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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > The Right, Bad Tv, the Lunch.

The Right, Bad Tv, the Lunch.

Tuning around the high numbers on our cable system, Ed came across a movie called “Bubba Ho-Tep”. The only name I recognized in the cast was Ossie Davis. Here is the synopsis:

“A mummy stalks nursing home residents claiming to be Elvis Presley and President John F. Kennedy”, based on a story by someone named Lansdale. I would say you can’t write stuff like this, except someone wrote it and Ed says the nursing home has to be in Arkansas because that’s how people are in Arkansas.

We didn’t watch it.

This morning, Saturday, HBO aired a documentary by Alexandra Pelosi (I don’t know if they are related) who traveled across the country speaking to conservatives and taping their “philosophies”. It was called
“Right America: Feeling Wronged” and the level of abysmal ignorance exhibited by these so-called conservatives was monumental. If this is America, I’m outta here. They too talk of “going to Canada” if Obama is re-elected.

I have to rely on my perception that the dumb among us will not prevail, that rational minds will overcome. Otherwise, I’d go mad.

Meanwhile (please indulge my aberration), I have printed out photos (easily Googled) of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Boehner, Bachman, will paste them on a cardboard backing, and stick pins in all of them. In strategic places. Like minds, please copy.

Yesterday I had my lunch with my eclectic group – Nadine, who organizes these get-togethers, Toni, her friend and my classmate at the art class I took this summer, Sonia, the former dancer and little French waif who reminds me of Edith Piaf, and Fatima, Portuguese-born, and stunning in mid-life, with a perfect body, classical features, and wonderful personality. I am the only member born in the U.S. Nadine picked me up with Fatima in the car, and we tooled over to “The Lazy Dog” in Cape Coral and were joined there by Toni and Sonia who came separately. The menu was mainly meat dishes but I found a chicken on greens to order since I have been eating a lot of meat lately.

On the way to the restaurant Nadine, Fatima, and I, traded sexual anecdotes that we found hilarious and that carried over to our conversation at table as well. We laughed so hard, tears were rolling down our cheeks. Fatima spoke of one ultra sound in an intimate place. At one point she looked at the technician, a woman, and said, this was almost like a sexual experience, but it didn’t go anywhere. No climax, she grumbled. That story went the rounds of the facility. I related how, when I was in the hospital for gall bladder surgery, that I asked the technician giving me an enema if she would marry me.

I also related an anecdote from the distant past -- my late husband, Jay, who pitched for his company’s softball team, had lost a game. About 4 of his teammates joined us in a crowded cab after the game and someone remarked I was being very quiet and I answered, “Have you ever slept with a losing pitcher?” That story went the rounds of the company the next day.

After lunch we browsed in a consignment shop in the same mall (everything here is in a mall). The clothes were in excellent condition but I didn’t see much that was attractive and the sizing bore no relation to any that I am familiar with. Today’s “4” used to be yesterday’s 14. The fashion industry has sized itself out of reality. Any clothes that were real designer choices were not cheap and even the expensive items were ugly prints and fabrics I wouldn’t wear to a dog fight.

We then went for coffee to a Cuban café down the street and had Cuban coffee mitt leche, of course. The wall was covered with photos of celebrities that are Cuban born, including, of course Desi Arnaz, and Andy Garcia. I pointed to Garcia’s photo and said, “I’ll take one of those.”

We said goodbye to Sonia and Toni, and then Nadine, Fatima and I drove back down to our island where Fatima picked up her car. On the way we stopped and bought lotto tickets because the current prize is $90 million and we all agreed we would find a good use for the money. No matter which ticket wins, it will be shared with the other two. I will suggest that we include Sonia and Toni as well.

Later Ed asked me how the lunch was and opined that these women are really “nice” and I said, “No, we are edgy. Big difference.”

That’s all.

xx, Teal

posted on Sept 18, 2010 6:43 AM ()


It is really nice to have fun with the girls. The right wingers expect Obama to use magic to make 8 years of misrule go away.
comment by elderjane on Sept 27, 2010 10:57 AM ()
love this post...especially the bit about the right wing NUTS!!!!...lol. One nasty blogger posted a nasty racist post at blogster and received many kudos comments....guess what, all from the right wing conservatives and not one from the rest of the decent folks there. Obesity is a big worry in Australia, many kids are getting obese which I think is tragic. Thanks for sharing your day...I got a kick out of this post...

comment by aussiegirl on Sept 18, 2010 9:27 AM ()
Fun post!! I went out of town yest. with 3 other golfers, and we didn't have near the fun. In fact, it was rather depressing. Regarding clothes sizes, I heard recently that men's 34 is actually 40, so men (and women) greatly underestimate their girth (and weight). We ARE an obese society. Hi to Ed.
comment by solitaire on Sept 18, 2010 6:56 AM ()

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