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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > President Disaster

President Disaster

I just sent this to the News-Press. They may well print it since the new editors, who had been ignoring me, now love me. They told me, in canvassing for a debater, that it was interesting that people were willing to express themselves openly when they could do it under cover, so to speak. But being in the room was another story. So, basically, I bailed them out in accepting the debate offer.

I feel like Snoopy in the tall grass, nowhere to turn. We are in for a bad ride and the market is already tanking. The uninformed have elected the fascist, an event that I think will be marked as one of the darkest in our history. To the world: don’t laugh, you will feel the impact of our decision.

How did this happen? I thought Trump said the system was rigged. Could he possibly have been wrong? Trump, wrong? You do know he only said that as an excuse for a possible loss? He was willing to characterize our total democracy as corrupt to excuse himself from the responsibility of losing. How statesman like. How graceful. There will be many of these moments as we endure the next four years. Be careful what you wish for.

I do not need to be right. I hope I have misread every indication that Trump is the wrong man for this job. I hope to eat every negative word I said about him if he succeeds in anything he has promised. I am willing to be laughed at if I am wrong. Only a person who is not a patriot would wish otherwise.

Still, I think buyer’s remorse is in our future. I just hope we can get through the next four years without nuking another country because Trump feels dissed. We now have, if Trump puts Gingrich in as secretary of state, and Giuliani becomes attorney general, as was recently suggested, three serial cheaters in the driver's seat. Let's hear it for family values.

Let’s see how he handles “president” instead of “dictator,” which is what he thinks he is getting.

xx, Teal

posted on Nov 9, 2016 6:03 AM ()


Heard the first part last night, and thought you spoke well. After the election results for Pa I felt so nauseated I had to stop looking at anything related to it. It's the Bush presidency again.
comment by drmaus on Nov 9, 2016 4:40 PM ()
I think this much worse than Bush. At least Bush had some sense of personal integrity. Donald is soul-less, true sociopath, and also ridiculously unrepared to deal with world leaders. He will be our personal embarassment. I don't like obstructionism, but I think Democrats in Congress should, just for the Supreme Court, do to them what they had planned to do to a Democratic president, which is to block their nominee for the entire four years.
reply by tealstar on Nov 9, 2016 6:10 PM ()
You did a great job, Teal.
comment by troutbend on Nov 9, 2016 11:23 AM ()
I am heartsick. When I saw the large turnout at the polls and so many
people looked like Trump supporters, I was very afraid. Old white males
and blue collar workers have brought us to this. Look for guns to run
amok and all legislation favoring corporate America.
comment by elderjane on Nov 9, 2016 7:46 AM ()
I have been depressed and in a bubble of unreality since the news came in. Sort of a fugue state.
reply by tealstar on Nov 9, 2016 6:11 PM ()

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