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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Who Was That Masked Man?

Who Was That Masked Man?

I went to a pain management specialist a few days ago because the pain in my back is not going away. His diagnosis was scoliosis. I guess it’s late onset or has been incubating a while and only a trained eye can spot it. He has scheduled me for an injection into the spine. I’ll need a local or general anesthesia, it’s my choice. We’ll see. He has also prescribed physical therapy and I’ll be starting that next week.

I’ll need, also, a cat scan of my back and I got myself a 3 p.m. appointment today but I missed it because I was hit by a car. I mean, me, personally, not my car. I was on my way to the Radiology facility and parked on my side of the road so I could cross and drop mail into the Post Office box. I didn’t drive into the Post Office mall because it is on a deep grade and backing out of it is tricky since you are backing into a main road.

There were no cars in sight, safe enough. The cars parked in the Post office mall were not moving. But just as I got into the middle of the road, a car pulled out quickly and ran right into me. It was Peter, a neighbor two houses down from us. He hit me on my left side, I fell onto my back and my head banged into the asphalt. When he got out of the car and I recognized him, I cried “Peter, don’t you look?!” And he said he had looked but what he meant is he looked left and right for other cars and not straight in front of him for a possible human bean.

A woman who owns a little spa in the P.O. mall ran out, said she was a nurse, got me into her shop and applied ice and asked me pertinent questions like what year is it and who is the president. I almost said Eisenhower. She called the EMTs. I asked her to call Ed and he rushed right down. It was decided he could drive me to the hospital so the EMTs left. We went to the emergency room at Lee Memorial and they have the only other trauma center between here and Miami, so it was a good choice. Still, I didn’t see a doctor for three hours. Then I got a cat scan of my head and x-rays of my left elbow and my left thigh. Doctor was worried about hematomas. I also had a non-stop bleeder on my right elbow and they bandaged it, but no swelling.

We got there about 3, and we left about 8. Lots of waiting. They checked the film right away and I have no internal bleeding and no fractures. Ed had been worried that I might have a fracture in my left femur. So they said I could go home.

Ed picked up two roast beef dinners at Sandy Hook and we stopped by the lot where I’d left the car and I was able to drive it home, following Ed in the SUV.

After moving around in the house a bit, I am walking much better. I attribute this to the massive stretches I do and the weight lifting and the biking. As for my clothes, I was told I could soak them in hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the blood.

I’m glad Peter finally woke up to the thud and applied the brakes.

Meanwhile, my back is bad and I’m going to bed.

xx, to all, Teal

posted on Dec 19, 2014 8:08 PM ()


Oh my gosh Teal, I hope you are feeling better but I bet not. The expression "felt like I had been hit by a train" must apply here. I found out about 30 years ago that I had scoliosis but it was to late to do anything for it. You were lucky you had no broken bones. Best therapy is rest and let your body heal.
comment by gapeach on Dec 20, 2014 3:04 PM ()
My spine is more painful and I am taking two Aleve instead of one in the morning. I am getting a pain injection on the 29th and, of course, have been prescribed physical therapy. I am thinking I have had the problem a long time and have kept it at bay with ballet workouts. In any case, the doctor thinks I can be improved. I'll go with that. Thanks for kind words.
reply by tealstar on Dec 22, 2014 7:57 AM ()
You have officially qualified to be a stuntwoman in the next Jackie Chan movie... wow. This is sort of a testimonial how exercise keeps one resilient. Hope your aches go away quickly.
comment by drmaus on Dec 20, 2014 8:07 AM ()
comment by hobbie on Dec 20, 2014 5:29 AM ()
Life really hands out some nasty surprises doesn't it? One of the things
that I insisted on when we bought the Prius was a back up camera. I have
always had a horror of hitting someone. Glad you are ok!
comment by elderjane on Dec 20, 2014 4:25 AM ()
The thing is he wasn't backing up but he was watching left and right for other cars and didn't look straight ahead where I was. Me, I thought he's got to see me and stop. I'll never assume anything again.
reply by tealstar on Dec 20, 2014 7:27 AM ()
I hope you're feeling better soon. My younger sister had the surgery for scoliosis when she was a child. She now has a metal rod in her back. One of my son-in-laws recently found out he has it but it's waaay too late for surgery. Oxi Clean Stain Remover gets blood out very well.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 19, 2014 9:43 PM ()

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