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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

Well, there has been some weight distribution. This morning I weigh 106 ½, so I tried on my French jeans and I got them zipped up, but they are too tight. Breathing, after all, is an issue (but they look fabulous). All, in all, a 6 – 7 lb. loss since the bronchitis when the antibiotics messed up my appetite. When I was first married to Jay, I weighed 101 and he liked to say 101 pounds of fun. Yes, that was a long time ago.
So I don’t look gaunt, but I am reluctant to lose more since I might lose it from my face and upper body.

Meanwhile, I found a place that cooks meals for diabetics and heart patients and people who want to lose weight and they deliver. We ordered six meals – for three days for the two of us and the tab was $54 that includes $5 for delivery. They can’t be frozen because there are no preservatives. But Diana, the lovely woman who runs the shop with her husband, said we were very far away and we arranged to meet at the Publix lot in between and I picked up two meals and we will get the rest of the six we ordered tomorrow. This arrangement will tide us over the transition while I get up to speed with new recipes. But the problem was never my cooking – it was that Ed prefers meat to chicken and fish and would get antsy if I didn’t serve meat often. It isn’t rocket science to not salt, and to use less fat in the cooking process. Taste enhancements have to be researched – more spices, etc. The problem was that Ed chose meat (corned beef hash, 50 % fat version) for every breakfast, and an Italian sub for every lunch and the sodium content was huge. And now he’s eating oatmeal. Wow. He also could finish off a pound cake in one afternoon, and a bag of cookies in two days. If I wanted a cookie, I had to grab it before handing him the bag.

Reviews on the meals we had is that the turkey meatballs with wheat pasta were good, and Ed’s orange chicken with couscous was, he said, tasteless. Okay, we won’t order that one again. He has been super good about the changes and following instructions to the letter and not complaining. After years of drinking tons of diet Coke, he is not going ape over withdrawal. Same with nicotine.

The electrical supply to the outlet on my kitchen wall that supplies the microwave, the can opener and the refrigerator, has given up. I ran a line for the small appliances, and then got another extension cord and moved the fridge away from the wall and connected it around the corner to an outlet in the living room. Danny, husband of the spectacular Jean, who is a paralegal Ed works with, is a master electrician and he is going to fix it for us.

And the toilet seat in the master bath fell apart. #$*!!*($)

Till next time.

xx, Teal

posted on June 26, 2015 8:37 AM ()


Ed me boy I reckon you could change your diet a bit more healthier , me I'm eating like a horse trying to put weight on was 110 kg when diagnosed with sugar last December --dropped to 96 --with 4weeks of sinus trouble then losing the eye, was down to 88kg in the hospital today am 94 only 2 to go
was on diabetic menu in hospital my food was made using a blender it might have looked like mush but it tasted good and I could eat it without the pain of chewing which is starting to come good.
would have been a shock if you were on the throne when it broke lol, bet you can't wait for the electrician --must be a big nuisance shifting things around ---all in all a good blog and a good read
comment by kevinshere on June 30, 2015 7:00 AM ()
Ed me boy I reckon you could change your diet a bit more healthier , me I'm eating like a horse trying to put weight on was 110 kg when diagnosed with sugar last December --dropped to 96 --with 4weeks of sinus trouble then losing the eye, was down to 88kg in the hospital today am 94 only 2 to go
was on diabetic menu in hospital my food was made using a blender it might have looked like mush but it tasted good and I could eat it without the pain of chewing which is starting to come good.
would have been a shock if you were on the throne when it broke lol, bet you can't wait for the electrician --must be a big nuisance shifting things around ---all in all a good blog and a good read
comment by kevinshere on June 30, 2015 6:59 AM ()
That really is admirable that Ed is making changes and not needing to grouch about it, since it’s hard. After dieting for a while, I found bland food like Lean Cuisine tastes better to me than it used to. In fact the garlic spring rolls I tried were really good.
comment by drmaus on June 27, 2015 9:37 AM ()
Yes, it surprises me that he has decided it is better to stay alive. He always got annoyed with me if I suggested he cut down on diet Coke (the substitute sugars eat your stomach lining). If he had an upset stomach, he blamed the veggies I served at dinner. He's not recovered yet. It will take a while and he'll need physical therapy, If Lean Cuisne is low salt, I'll get some.
reply by tealstar on June 27, 2015 9:00 PM ()
One of the week-long cruises we went on, I thought I would order the low calorie options and the food was so incredibly boring even though they tried hard.
comment by troutbend on June 26, 2015 5:16 PM ()
Good luck on your culinary explorations. Ed is being a saint. I can't
imagine giving up smoking and diet coke as well without being mean.
comment by elderjane on June 26, 2015 3:57 PM ()
That he is not complaining and being stubborn is truly the amazing part. Part of his difficult behavior of past months is definitely due to losing heart function. I worked on a book about heart attacks years ago at Harper & Row, and learned that anger and impatience are symptoms. He's a lot more relaxed now. (Not a minute too soon.)
reply by tealstar on June 26, 2015 7:39 PM ()

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