I had to pay bills yesterday, a litter later than I like, but still able to meet “Pay by†dates. But I hate this chore so I kept thinking of other things to do first. I put a baseball cap on to cover unruly hair, and a little lip gloss, and sunglasses, and drove the Isuzu to the auto shop on Pine Island to get the brakes checked and sensers looked at. Dominick drove me home.
Then I decided to look some things up on line and the bills were still bugging me. Then I was hungry, and one has to eat, you know.
Meanwhile, I had also promised myself to do some exercises and the longer one waits to do those, the easier it is to say tomorrow. So I ate. Then I finally wrote the checks (Ed refuses to pay on line). Ed got home and, of course, I had to see the ending of an Agatha Christie Poirot episode on Netflix that we had missed because the set had run into connection problems. Ed wanted to know the ending too, but fell asleep. I watched the end and had to tell him how it turned out and this is not easy, because Christie plots are really involved. I did manage to lift some weights (wrist weights to avoid hand problems).
Then I biked down to the post office (the site of the famous accident and that part of the road still spooks me) to mail the checks which I do not like to leave in our roadside box. On the way, the wind blew the envelopes out of my bike basket. So I stopped and collected them and stuffed them under a couple of heavier items that are always in the basket. The bridge to the mainland was up, so I was able to walk across the road easily while cars were backed up. I picked up Ed’s Guardian mail from his P. O. box. It is low down on the wall and it was overfilled so I had to sit on the floor to get it all out because a sustained bend-over wipes me out. Lately, a great deal of the mail is for Lillie, his very failing latest ward, who, it appears, was an arch conservative and a great deal of what she gets is from right-wing groups asking her to join forces to destroy Obama and the Health Care Act, and asking for money, which I believe she did choose to send them, judging by the volume. She is not going to survive very much longer. Ed said she is, in her frailty, very sweet. I guess you can be that and also be off-the-wall ignorant.
On the way home I pedaled past some acquaintances from down the road, Mae and J.R. They are conservative. They decided they wouldn’t wave to me today because two letters in the paper condemned me for not liking Ted Cruz (a response to the Op-Ed piece I had such trouble posting). They appear to be chameleons. If responses had been enthusiastic about me, they would have waved. As for me, I don’t mind. If they are friendly next week, I’ll wave. I don’t have time to be angry with them for anything. They are clueless so what’s the point? We are mutual friends with my bff-gtf Nadine, and they respect and like her “even though†she is Jewish.
As for the Op-Ed, the offensive paragraph about that amorphous, misty, diaphanous celestial presence, author of most disasters, is missing. I had been “building†the post by adding each paragraph separately in the edit mode – and that’s how I found out what was being rejected. Repeated tries resulted in being totally blocked from MyBloggers. Eddie responded to my e mail plea for help and reassured me that he was not censoring content, just swear words when you are posting on someone else’s blog. This morning I was able to get on to MyBloggers, so perhaps Eddie worked some magic.
I will not any longer try to add the missing paragraphs. As a test, Jeri will post the whole piece and see if it works from her end. I cautioned her not to persist if she ran into a problem.
When I got home from the post office run, I was envisioning having a piece of apple which stays my appetite and has fiber. I buy yellow delicious most of the time. I looked in the fridge and there was something looking yellow in a fold-over sandwich baggie, so I grabbed it and took a big bite. But it wasn’t an apple. It was a peeled half of a yellow onion. Well, dang.
So instead I ate the last of a fruit salad bowl that by then contained only 3 small pieces of watermelon. Tis enuf, t'will suffice.
xx, Teal