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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Grumble, Grumble

Grumble, Grumble

I have bought medical scrubs to wear casually. They resemble cargo pants and I love them. They are lightweight cotton and a cool alternative for the shorts I no longer wear because of my positive diagnosis for skin cancer a while back. (That was taken care of.) I haven’t been able to lose two lbs. for some months now to get back to my former baseline which was 112. My jeans are just a little too snug for 114. I also bought two tops which are labeled small and would look large on Mama Cass. I didn’t return them right away, so, instead, I washed them in the sanitize setting but they refused to shrink. I am stuck with them and may just use them as night shirts.

I bought a coin sorter at Office Max. The battery compartment calls for two C cells but squeezing them in is next to impossible. Ed got them in and then the unit wouldn’t operate. So I am taking it back to Office Max. I hate when that happens.

I have a Keurig Vue coffee machine, the latest they offer, for which you cannot use K cups but must buy Vue cups, which they say are available at Target and Kohls and when you go into those stores, they don’t have them, although they would be happy to order them for you. Not available in regular groceries. A month ago, the brew function would not operate. I called customer service. The fellow walked me through some cleaning functions and when I pressed the brew button, the unit would just jump back to the beginning. So he said Keurig would send me a replacement. I chose to receive their K cup version and I got that and it is, so far, working fine, and I can buy K cups in great varieties anywhere. But they don’t send the manual anymore, so I had to call to have them send me one and I refused to order it from their website because it isn’t that easy.

Now I would like to get rid of the non-functional Vue machine that is sitting in our hallway and is annoying Ed. He says to take it back to Bed, Bath and Beyond, where we bought it and they will issue a refund. I think that’s tacky. I am also not sure someone will not connect the dots.

Ed was making noises yesterday about getting a new GE range in stainless steel to match our dishwasher and refrigerator. It is 14 years old now, the door has developed a stain between the double glass panels – no solution except replacement (over $100). The insides are not as clean as I like because scrubbing out ovens, even with the auto function, is not something I do well. I said I would like that, but will leave it up to him, because, having expressed himself on this issue, his response to me if I say, “Okay, when, when?” would be to say “Do you think I’m made of money.” So I’m leaving it alone. (Actually, I do think he’s made of money – sometimes he has a green-gray quality that I suspect is actually U. S. currency breaking through. I rarely push my wish list, although he would say otherwise. Edward’s view of my nagging is if I say something twice within a two-year period. He has other lovable qualities and I concentrate on those.

Incidentally, I don’t understand why a top flight Profile model, the best GE offers, is designed so that the controls are at the back and one has to reach over hot cooking pots to use them. What a dumb design. Or maybe I have a problem because I am not tall and my arm is a lot closer to the heat than big people. Hiss, boo.

Another irritating aspect of being small in a tall world, is that the mirrors in public conveniences (and dwellings as well in a lot of cases) is too high for me to see more than the top of my head. When I was in the hospital, the bathroom unit in my room was so high, my feet wouldn’t touch the floor (please don’t dwell on this image). Also, it was so huge, I nearly fell in. (Another image to erase.)

When I had my gall bladder removed, in the 60s, due to medication that caused problems (who knew), they were so accustomed to only performing this surgery on the obese that the girdle they wrapped me in after the surgery had to go around 3 times.

Architects have caught on that it is useful to design buildings to allow better access for the disabled, and I wish they would catch up to the needs of small people.

Okay, that’s enough.

Xx, Teal

posted on Sept 22, 2014 7:39 AM ()


Reading these responses, we could have a Gall Bladder Club ... who knew? I only had the girdle, no socks. My surgery was involved and the OR, I was told later, was full of medical watchers. Jeez,I thought, I no longer have any secrets.
comment by tealstar on Sept 23, 2014 9:49 PM ()
I think you should set the Vue coffeemaker next to your trash and maybe someone like my father-in-law will take it home and fix what's wrong with it and figure out a way to use it.
comment by troutbend on Sept 22, 2014 7:47 PM ()
Yes, I do think I will do that, along with a note explaining what is wrong with it. But the coffee is so expensive, and is not available at grocery stores and I heard they are not going to offer it in stores at all, but just on line. I don't know if anyone will want it.
reply by tealstar on Sept 23, 2014 9:43 PM ()
Not only mirrors, but pictures are hung too high. My last landlord didn't want me to drill any holes for hanging pictures, but he had some hangers installed already on walls. All too high for me to see the pictures.
comment by drmaus on Sept 22, 2014 5:14 PM ()
I am with you on the bathroom unit, my feet don't touch the floor either. Being 4'9" nothing fits. Every chair and couch I sit on I must put my feel under under me because they don't touch the floor. We won't even talk about my kitchen cabinets. The only broken bone I have ever had was when I fell off my kitchen counter and broke my wrist. Climbing when I should not have done so. Little people are so overlooked.
comment by gapeach on Sept 22, 2014 4:24 PM ()
Nice to meet another "munchkin" ...
reply by tealstar on Sept 23, 2014 9:42 PM ()
I was very lucky to have the new gall bladder procedure where they just
tug it out but I understand it used to be a horror. Petite sizes are
too long for the average petite person. I wish they would fix that.
I am just a tad over 5 feet and my jeans always drag the ground.
comment by elderjane on Sept 22, 2014 3:05 PM ()
I used to be 5 ft but age has shrunk me. I had the worst of all g.b. procedures -- they had to reopen the bile duct -- it took 4 hours, and I had the Levin tube (into nose, down throat, into stomach). They don't do that anymore. It was in for two weeks and was so painful, I thought I had strep. Today's procedure, I am told, is very simple.
reply by tealstar on Sept 23, 2014 9:46 PM ()
When I was about to have my gall bladder surgery the nurses pulled a pair of those very tight stretch stockings on my feet and legs, the ones that are supposed to help avoid blood clots during the procedure. Afterward, groggy as I resumed consciousness, I asked if I could keep them because they would go great with my cowboy boots. They laughed so hard it really brought me back to a clear mind. I don't recall asking them if I could keep the socks, but my uncle was there and he never lets me forget it.
comment by jondude on Sept 22, 2014 2:21 PM ()
I goofed on my reply -- see above.
reply by tealstar on Sept 25, 2014 1:40 PM ()

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