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Teal's Modest Adventures

Home & Garden > Good Check-up, A/c Problem, No Pool -- Sigh

Good Check-up, A/c Problem, No Pool -- Sigh

Last week Ed drove us to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. I got a physical with my doctor, the head of the women’s breast cancer unit – she’s a super doctor. I didn’t get a mammogram this time and I asked her if a physical examination was definitive. She said that she and all of her colleagues at Moffitt do hundreds of hands-on breast exams and are so good at it that they can pick up tiny, teensy tumors that haven’t shown up on film even. That impressed me. The good news is I am good to go with her for a year. I do get a mammogram in January 2015.

Getting there was a nightmare. The entire day was stormy, heavy rain on and off and at least 5 accidents on I-75. The speed limit is 70 and you'd think that on a stormy day, some drivers would realize they should go slower. We spent about an hour crawling along at 5 mph till the road was cleared. The same thing happened on the way back. We passed one truck on the median that was overturned. We left Moffitt at 3:30 and got home at 7. P.m. It shouldn’t take more than 2 hours. Ed has a problem with patience, so I was relieved that he mostly took the delays in stride. It was particularly troublesome for him because his back is bad and he was wearing a brace. There are exercises he should do, so after several years of not doing them, he has started on them again. Duh.

On another subject, early this year our a/c guy said our unit was shot and we needed a new one and quoted us a price for the new one plus installation. He doesn’t overcharge, but cautious Ed said we would wait till our unit died. Fine, I answered, it will die on a Friday in August. And so it did, 1:30 a.m., August 15. Friday. We spent the weekend with ceiling fans going and I doubled up on my ice packs that I sleep with. As for energy, none.

Ed spoke with our friend Jean,whose father is a retired a/c guy and knows how to get a unit at cost. But Monday came and no word, so Ed called our A/C guy and we have committed ourselves to a new unit and are waiting for them to measure things and do whatever else they do in order to install the right one. They also got our almost dead unit to kick in a few more days, so we are comfortable, which is a big thing in these parts. Ed said at one point, maybe we would wait “a little while longer” and I said, “You want to do this again?” using my famous gimlet-eyed look that strikes terror into any heart. In any case I was prepared for his next step and if it was “wait”, I had a plan that I would (join me if you like): move into one of our nearby bed-and-breakfasts till the crisis was solved. Bottom line: he wouldn't be saving any money as I'd be living the tourist life and dining out every night. I am happy to say I don’t think I’ll have to do that.

Meanwhile, our pool is lime green. We have contracted with Pebbleworks to get the pool re-lined and were supposed to have the work start mid-August. But heavy rains have caused major delays in their installations and now they can’t start our project till sometime in September. I was looking forward to a revamped pool (and much more attractive one since the new lining will be a confetti like dark look) and to swimming in it again. But the water starts to cool quite dramatically in the fall, and it may be I’ll have to put off my aquatics until next year. My friend, Nadine has a salt-water pool that she says does not require weekly maintenance – although it is expensive to install – after that, easy sailing. Her pool is also heated. Ed is not interested in these advantages. Soaking in a salt water pool – aside from the benefits of water aerobics, is healthful.

I discussed with the pool worker the benefits of their continued adding of chlorine that hasn’t been clearing the problem because of nitrates in the water. We would have to drain the pool and add fresh water to solve this problem, so we decided in that case to just go ahead and have the pool re-lined which had been strongly recommended a while ago. Continuing to add chlorine weekly will at least keep other contamination at bay, like mosquito larvae. so when it comes time to drain, we won’t have sludge.

xx, Teal

posted on Aug 21, 2014 8:06 AM ()


After much pushing Cath had a mammogram and it was positive , had the operation , only the lump was removed , chemo and ray treatment followed , was seeing oncologist every six months , only last month after another mammogram and seeing oncologist again , she is ok and only 12 monthly visits from now on.
Know all about a/c cost over $800 to have ours repaired , for ten days we froze , with only a fan heater.
Moving to a B&B-- bet that caused a splutter or 2 from ED
comment by kevinshere on Aug 21, 2014 9:22 PM ()
so glad you insisted ... sometimes people are afraid they will get back news -- but not knowing in time is so much worse. I'm happy that Cath dodged this bullet.
reply by tealstar on Aug 22, 2014 7:53 AM ()
I am glad you got the last dregs from the A/C. I keep telling ours not to
go out, we have two units and that makes me nervous because the old one is
in the newer section of the house. My SIL has a salt water pool and says
it stays sparkling clean all of the time.
comment by elderjane on Aug 21, 2014 2:30 PM ()
Yes, saltwater won't harbor algae -- but Ed won't go for the start-up costs. Also, he hasn't been in the pool but twice, although he has bought several fashionable swim trunks. Says he never wanted a pool. I said, so don't buy the house? Duh.
reply by tealstar on Aug 22, 2014 9:34 AM ()
I speak from personal experience when I say, some people have a death grip on the purse strings.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 21, 2014 10:41 AM ()
The dark lining to the pool sounds interesting -- swimming in it would make you think of natural bodies of water. Good about the a/c. (Aren't ice packs great? I think I have 5 now)
comment by drmaus on Aug 21, 2014 9:39 AM ()
I put ice packs behind my pillow -- when I get overheated, I turn the pillow so I am resting on the cold side. I use the kind you put in a cooler because they last 24 hours. When all the work is done, I'll take a picture and post.
reply by tealstar on Aug 21, 2014 2:07 PM ()

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