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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > Florida Justice

Florida Justice

The Zimmerman trial is over, the jury made its decision. Ed insists the prosecution presented such a bad case that they couldn’t find Zimmerman guilty on the merits. Ed is excruciatingly specific on case law. I told him he was giving the jury credit for the sophistication of the thinking he would have applied. I don’t think they had the smarts and I do think racism was an issue.

Martin’s parents have grounds for a wrongful death suit such as brought by the family of OJ’s slain wife and that case went against OJ. But, of course, OJ had money and Zimmerman does not.

Meanwhile, a reference was made to Zimmerman’s reactions when the verdict was read and, at first, there was none, then he smiled and his wife cried. That was the first mention of a wife that I heard in any of the news casts and I was astonished that some poor beknighted fool of a woman actually married this guy.

I also think that Zimmerman should no longer be a neighborhood watch person, that he should no longer be allowed a permit to have a gun. It will be interesting to see if this verdict gives him the impression that he can go on as before.

As for me, I felt ill when I saw this morning’s headlines.

At least my favorite news channel can go back to regular programming. Coverage of he trial was major overkill.

xx, Teal

posted on July 14, 2013 7:54 AM ()


I'm sorry, I can't let your unwarranted assumption about me go w/o reaction. I am part of the problem?! You don't like the criminal justice system and I work in that system so you have decided I am part of the problem. You have essentially profiled me -- profiled me!-- and in that you share with G. Zimmerman a trait nobody likes. You have no idea! Perhaps, notwithstanding that I am part of the "legal system," I am able to help people despite the laws you think are bad. No system is w/o its flaws. Only individuals w/i that system can make it work in individual cases. Bellyache all you want, but don't assume w/o evidence or personal knowledge that I am part of the problem. I thought you were more intelligent than that. You have no idea.
comment by steeve on July 15, 2013 7:22 AM ()
You deserve it b/c you made it personal in a negative way w/o knowing what you were talking about. You're still being negative ("diatribe"). I'm done talking about it...
reply by steeve on July 15, 2013 1:32 PM ()
Whoa, I was responding to what appeared to be your claim that the trial was fair because it followed the law. You might have agreed with me that fairness is not built into the system. Don't you think it ought to be? If you and those in the system don't work to fix it, I think that IS a problem.

I don't deserve your diatribe. Anyway, I've had the same argument with Ed.
reply by tealstar on July 15, 2013 8:36 AM ()
I saw a recap of the trial on Dateline, and I would have voted Zimmerman not guilty too. It wasn't permitted at trial to let the jury know Martin had some brushes with the law prior to this incident--he wasn't just some sweet innocent little kid. The reporter also said that the girl he was talking on the phone when he was shot made a bad impression on the jury--and the public--the girl had a horrid hair style, she was inarticulate, and FAT! Horrors!Who knows what might influence a jury?
comment by susil on July 14, 2013 12:25 PM ()
It is the law that prior bad acts are inadmissible because you can't try someone for something else he once did, you must judge him on the merits of the current charge. I don't care if he wasn't squeaky clean. I care that he wouldn't be dead if Zimmerman hadn't decided he was the Great White Avenger. He stalked him. Bottom line: the kid was not committing a criminal act; Zimmerman frightened him till he decided to "stand his ground" and Zimmerman killed him and convinced people he was afraid for his life, but his injuries were minor. Also the gun was tucked in the back of Zimmerman's pants, with shirt hanging over it, and it was night time and the defense claimed Martin was going for it. Melissa Harris Perry, a news anchor on MSNBC, a black woman, said that when she was pregnant, she prayed it would not be a boy because she knew that male blacks are targeted and she didn't want to worry. She had a greatly compelling run down of what it means in today's society to be a black male, how he must walk/dress/watch his expressions/watch who he looks at ... it was devastating to think anyone in this country has to live that way.
reply by tealstar on July 14, 2013 9:45 PM ()
If I ever decide to commit murder, I'll do it in Florida. I mean even Casey Anthony got off! I agree that the "stand your ground law" is barbaric - but I've read that it may be changed soon. I read that Zimmerman's bail was revoked when he and his wife messed around with the funds that had been raised for his defense. That's how I learned that he was married. Stupidity, racism and a violent nature aren't enough to prevent a person from getting married. Glad there hasn't been any violent reaction to the verdict.
comment by catdancer on July 14, 2013 10:32 AM ()
There are no grounds for a wrongful death suit for the same reason the jury acquitted this guy: the evidence showed Martin was on top of Zimmerman giving him a good pounding. The fact that Z. had profiled him and gotten out of his car to follow him was not sufficient to overcome the apparent fact, which the jury believed, that the kid then jumped Z. and became the aggressor. I don't think this was a dumb jury. They wouldn't buy the State's argument that contradictions equaled purposeful lies. There will never, ever be a traumatic criminal episode w/o contradictions.
comment by steeve on July 14, 2013 8:57 AM ()
The specifics of our laws and jury system are a breeding ground for a miscarriage of justice. The people who designed this were not gods, they made mistakes, and these mistakes are whoppers. Follow the law if you will but know that you are part of the problem.
reply by tealstar on July 14, 2013 9:17 AM ()
That young man was stalked by Zimmerman, who racially profiled the kid. I thought the prosecution proved manslaughter. The verdict was nauseating, and Florida's "Stand You Ground" law is a license to kill.
comment by marta on July 14, 2013 8:55 AM ()

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