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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > Destroying Donald

Destroying Donald

Leonard Pitts wrote a column that appeared in today’s Fort Myers News-Press in which he said he didn’t want Trump defeated. No, he wants him immolated.

Down here in Florida, we have “palmetto bugs”. These are cockroaches on steroids, some easily an inch long. You can spray the perimeters of your house and that helps a lot. We also spray the backs of cabinets, making sure we are not endangering our kitties.

So we know the spray is working when we see dead bugs. But wait. There’s a dead bug, no time to scoop him into the garbage, on my way out, gotta go. Next day, oh there’s that bug. I’ll pick him up now. Ugh, g-a-a-a-h-h-h. sheesh, it’s still alive! So I don’t just scoop anymore. I stomp on what is apparently a dead bug so as to be absolutely sure. Since I don’t want bug-goo on my shoe. I put a paper towel over it before I stomp.

You see where this is going. I want to be absolutely sure Trump is demolished so that he can’t rise again, not even to start a TV network where he gets to perpetuate his hatred across the board for women, minorities, Muslims, paraplegics, losers, and gets to inflate his ego which, as you know, is amazing.

I might hope that he gets struck by lightning, but then we would have Pence, who is clueless, but militantly religious, a more than troubling alternative and probably more easily electable because his personal style is calmer, giving the impression that he is not a lunatic. Mind you, that’s only an impression. His social policies are medieval. There are a lot of people who don’t like Trump and would rather vote for Pence. Even though he has abandoned his much advertised Christian principles to enable a toxic hater. I am sorry to say many of the devout tread this tightrope. Lovers of Jesus, just, you know, hate minorities. Do they know that Jesus was a Semitic Jew, which is a tribe of people who lived and live in the Arabian Peninsula, both then and now. As a Semitic Jew, his skin coloration would have resembled that of the people who lived there at the time and who live there now:olive to light brown skin w/ dark hair and dark eyes. Gee ... not entirely white ... MEDIC!!!

posted on Nov 2, 2016 10:32 AM ()


No, the good Christians do not realize that Jesus was a Jew and had
brown skin. The pictures of him are of a blonde, blue eyed guy in
most churches and some old Bibles. This makes no sense. Hate bugs!
comment by elderjane on Nov 3, 2016 7:05 AM ()
You've seen the bugs that resemble Donald Trump, haven't you? Actually they're caterpillars. i think it's flannel moth caterpillars.
comment by drmaus on Nov 2, 2016 6:11 PM ()

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