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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > In Defense of Hillary

In Defense of Hillary

There is scrutiny being given to the supporting documents, or lack of, for Hillary’s involvement in foreign policy during her husband’s administration.

I am inclined to believe her because of my own experiences.

While working for Harper & Row, I spoke with Jack Dempsey’s daughter at a party. She said she was writing a biography of her father. Where are you taking it, I asked. She was shopping around. I said, look no further, you must bring it to Harper & Row. I gave her my number.

Two days later she called. I talked to the editor I worked for, Virginia Hilu. I was her editorial assistant. Believe me that is work without portfolio. Virginia called in another editor, Joe Vergara, who she thought would be more appropriate for this book. He published it. My role was never acknowledged. I wrote the flap copy for many of Virginia’s books. My copy was quoted in reviews. Later, when Virginia died and I was not given the opportunity to finish her list, thus becoming an “assistant editor”, management said, “You haven’t done anything.”

I was at Times Books working as assistant to the president. Marcia Magill, an editor across the hall gave me a manuscript and said I don’t know about this, what do you think? The book was “Compromising Positions” by Susan Isaacs. I said, I love the dialogue, it’s really funny and I think you should do it. She did it. It launched Isaacs’ career and this particular book was made into a movie with Raul Julia and Susan Sarandon. My role was never acknowledged. Later when I wanted my boss to fulfill his promise to promote me to editor, he said, “You haven’t done anything.”

My instincts were good, my judgment was good, my skills were up to the task. I didn’t have a 7-sister school background, I had come into publishing late in life (in my 40s). And I was not aggressive.

I am thinking, Hillary’s litany of what she has done rings true. That there is no paper back-up merely supports my theory that that is the last thing you do for someone whose role is unofficial. The credit goes to the people who have portfolio.

Also in support of Hillary’s role, there is pillow talk. I have known movers and shakers intimately. Pillow talk is not just about how it felt. Some of it is about “what do you think I should do.”

After all, she wasn’t a housewife with a baking schedule suddenly thrust into public life. She was a lawyer with her own credentials. So, I am saying, think about the circumstances that surrounded her contributions and realize there may well be substance to her argument.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 20, 2008 4:25 PM ()


Hi teal; just politics as usual--probably supporters of Obama and/or
trying to dig up dirt where they can. Hillary is a tough cookie--and very smart. She's got my vote. And talk about pillow politics--Regan had incipient Alzheimer's during his last years, and Nancy was probably advising him a lot.
comment by susil on Mar 25, 2008 10:41 AM ()
Bill and Chelsea are currently whistle stumping through Indiana. Hillary's a fighter, no doubt. I also read (literally) "My Life". Interesting.
comment by solitaire on Mar 25, 2008 6:54 AM ()
Mrs. Clinton has nothing to be ashamed of and neither does Barack Obama. The bankrupt republican administration policies of the past seven-plus years have destroyed the USA's image in the world, reduced our standard of living to that of a second-class nation, put the economic future of the country in dire jeopardy by throwing 850 billion dollars away on a middle eastern country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and doesn't seem to even want its newfound "democracy," and divided the people more than any period since the civil war. Instead of defending a democrat candidate, it is time to attack the empty promises and "stay-the-course" republican charade.
comment by jondude on Mar 21, 2008 7:26 AM ()
You have lived a most interesting life. I started reading this, and it intrigued me so much I read all of your other articles. I do agree with you in many ways. I do like Senator Clinton. There is much substance to her.
comment by sunlight on Mar 20, 2008 9:03 PM ()
I agree with what you have said. Hillary does have more experience then Obama with just her 7 or 8 years in the senate .

I do wonder how close Bill and Hillary really were during those years ?

But I do believe that spouses contribute more than they are given credit for.
comment by angryrepublic on Mar 20, 2008 6:16 PM ()

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