Last night the show "Walking Dead" premiered on AMC. This is their new series filling the space where two great shows, "Breaking Bad" and "Mad Men" used to occupy. Those two really good shows are on hiatus, so to fill the time slot AMC has made an awful decision to air "Walking Dead."
This series is nothing but a re-make of all those "corpses walking around trying to find a living human to feast on" movies.
Gruesome, violent, nasty. Supposedly some kind of virus gives people a very high fever, they die but still live, staggeringing around like zombies, their bodies rotting away while they look for living flesh. A mere scratch from them, and you're infected.
It's too campy to be scary, and the living characters do such ridiculous things you wonder if they've developed s*it for brains. Three characters are hiding out in a house--they cover the windows, but you can tell there's gaps in the window coverings, and they have candles and lights on that can obviously be seen from outside. I say if they're that stupid, they deserve to be eaten. Grrmusush!