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Life & Events > Scary and Repulsive

Scary and Repulsive

Halloween's upon us again, and a cable show last night had the 15 scariest horror movie moments to set the mood. I don't watch those blood and guts movies myself.
But I have seen "Alien" which had some hair raising moments, but to me the best frightful movie of recent times, is "Bram Stoker's Dracula," starring Gary Oldman, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Winona Ryder. I like that one though it's deliciously repulsive.

Let me tell you something else repulsive I saw on TV Thursday night. I must be the only person in this mybloggers group of bloggers who watches Project Runway. The show starts off with 15 designers brought together at the Parson's School of Design and every week they are given the task to design an outfit, buy the fabric and sew whatever the challenge is that week. Every week the worst designer is kissed off the show by model Heidi Klum, the hostess.

I know I'm way out of the loop of what is fashionable, but Heidi and the other two judges on the panel have gone gaga over some of the ugliest clothes imaginable. Thursday was the finale, with each of the three finalist showing their collection on the runway at Mercedes Benz fashion week. One finalist, Mondo, had disclosed halfway through the competition he was HIV positive which gave him some sympathy votes. Another finalist was from Hawaii, a nice guy with acne scars and a long black ponytail.

The last finalist was Gretchen Jones, a back stabbing back biting woman the other contestants called a bitch and a fake. Her collection was drab, looked like clothes from a hippie commune of the 70's, plus outfits of models wearing PANTIES AND WEDGIE SHOES. Panties right out in public with different little tops. The judges who have mush for brains voted her the best designer, saying she had her finger on the pulse of fashion forward looks. It looked like what hookers on streetcorners would wear. It's ridiculous to think regular people would be caught dead in that stuff. Her collection was the scariest most repulsive thing I've seen this Halloween.
I yearn for Coco Chanel--there was a designer!


posted on Oct 30, 2010 1:12 PM ()


I was following Project Runway, too but missed the last show because we don't have cable here. One of my friends sent me an email about how outraged they were at the outcome, so I had to look it up on the Internet. It seemed like we could see this coming because every week they gave Gretchen a hard time, but never sent her home. I think the show's producers must have decreed that the winner had to be a woman. I didn't watch previous seasons, so don't know what the pattern was. I get a little weary of these holier-than-you and me mybloggersites who claim they would never watch what they consider to be trashy TV. One person's trashy is another's good time.
comment by troutbend on Nov 1, 2010 6:26 PM ()
What I consider trashy shows are those Real Housewives of let's see--Atlanta, New Jersey, New York, etc. A bunch of women acting like teenage divas. Never watched an episode. But that might be somebosy elses' favorite shows (probably sol!)
reply by susil on Nov 3, 2010 4:15 PM ()
I pick enough things out of a**.Granny panties all the way for me, too.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 1, 2010 1:59 PM ()
Thanks for the laugh!
reply by susil on Nov 3, 2010 4:06 PM ()
I know SO many people who don't wear panties. I could never get my head around the chafing.My Aunt was once out with her granddaughter at the beach and remarked to her GG, "I forgot to bring my thongs" meaning her flip flops. Her granddaughter nearly passed out at the shock, thinking that her 280 pound grandmother was going to sport a thong.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 1, 2010 11:42 AM ()
Oh what a sight that would've been!
I don't see how gals can wear jeans without drawers on--I mean woiuldn't you get rubbed raw and chafed? Even thongs eluded me--it seems like it'd be like wearing a rubber band in your crotch. Not me, sister! I'm all for tighty whities.
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 12:07 PM ()
I love fashion but go for the tailored classics. I have to marvel at some of the so-called high fashion looks.
comment by elderjane on Oct 31, 2010 7:10 AM ()
Hi jeri; the hooker looking clothes that won the show might be all right for hookers and god knows who else, but the designers aren't designing for women over 25!
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 11:24 AM ()
You're worse than my father who watches WWE Smackdown! Although I must admit, I sometimes get caught up in some "stupid" show, just to see how bad it really is. I think I'll pass on Project Runway, however!
comment by solitaire on Oct 31, 2010 6:46 AM ()
Oh go on! You most likely go for some shows that I wouldn't waste time watching--but I admit, Project Runway is a guilty pleasure!
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 11:26 AM ()
The hooker look is very in right now. Pick up a copy of Vogue or Harper's
reply by elderjane on Oct 31, 2010 7:09 AM ()
My sister used to be really into fashion...she still sort of is. She makes and sells upcycled clothing and does quite well for herself. I just never had the knack and NOBODY wants to see me in panties and heels!
comment by juliansmom on Oct 30, 2010 5:53 PM ()
You'd look a lot better than an old lady like me, haha!
BTW, it seems like I've been blogging about panties a lot lately, so let me tell ya about an Ann Landers column I read last week. A mother wrote that her college daughter came home and brought her laundry--the mother noticed she had no panties in her laundry and asked why. So the daughter says she and her college friends don't wear panties anymore! They use tampons to catch daily bodily secretions, and have ditched the panties.
What on earth?
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 11:31 AM ()
Hey susil, I agree totally about design "experts" foisting godawful crap on us. But the kids seem to go for it, stupid twits. We weren't that dumb, were we? I have dipped in and out of that show, but didn't stay with it. The "personalities" are self-involved and their goals are, for me, more than shallow. When I was a kid I invented stuff that later became fashionable. For one, I bought navy bell bottoms at an army-navy store, and had my mom alter them to fit. I was 13 so -- it was about 1944, way before bell bottoms became the rage.
comment by tealstar on Oct 30, 2010 2:49 PM ()
Hi teal; If anyone is fashion forward, I knew it'd be you!
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 11:21 AM ()
Hi, I don't think we have that show over here - the name doesn't ring a bell. I have two 'little black dresses' in my wardrobe (wish I had a bottle or two of chanel no.5 on my dressing table, instead of the 3 'Canal no. 5's' )
comment by febreze on Oct 30, 2010 2:24 PM ()
That was cute! I once had a bottle of Chanel #5 and didn't like it at all.
If anyone saw my "wardrobe" they'd faint, because I don't have one so to speak. I keep a pair of black pants and a Mandarin collar black blouse to wear to funerals, and that's the only matching things I have! Some clothes are 15 years old, because I take care of them and if they're wearable, why change? These clothes couldn't look as bad as the hooker look anyway.
reply by susil on Nov 1, 2010 11:37 AM ()
Hi fredo, Project Runway just finished it's season on Lifetime cable. Boy, if you've never seen "Bram Stoker's Dracula" you've missed the best!
comment by susil on Oct 30, 2010 2:01 PM ()
that was a good one and enjoyed it a lot."Bram Stoker"Never hearf of Project Runway?
comment by fredo on Oct 30, 2010 1:26 PM ()
sorry fredo, your reply above.
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 2:02 PM ()

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