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Yesterday I had to go to a builder's supply place to buy a five gallon bucket of tar. What happened was tropical storm Lee caused a leak--AGAIN A LEAK--through the flashing around the fireplace. Flashing is what they call the metal strips on the roof around the fireplace chimney that is supposed to seal out water.

Over the years I suppose the house has settled and/or been shaken by various hurricanes etc. and I'm getting leaks. I noticed Monday as Lee was still huffing and puffing and raining cats and dogs that I had a two leaks--again! On my (new) ceiling tiles, only five years old. I could scream. My cousin came last year and tarred the flashing, but obviously it didn't work. So a fella tells me he'll do the job and what to buy, that's why I was in the builder's supply.

To make a long story short, while I waited for the clerk to round up the tar, gloves, trowels etc. a couple came in the store. The man had a little girl, about two years old, (I assume their daughter) on a leash. One of those chest leashes like for dogs. It was a harness like thing that crossed her chest, with a strap that was a big as a seat belt, and the man held on to the short leash as the child toddled in. The little girl wasn't noisy and chatty like most kids that age. She looked grim and solemn as the couple went down one aisle and up the other and left.

I think the man brought that child in on a leash just so someone would comment on it, like the clerk did, who said "Oh, that's just the thing!" My hackles rose. It gave me a hinky feeling. I watched them walk back to their SUV, and where most dads would scoop up their toddler in their arms and take her to the car, no, he didn't talk to her or hug her or pick her up, uh uh. I mean this isn't New York City where kidnappers lurk in big crowds, this is a rural town. A harness??
It makes me wonder what other kinds of discipline he inflicts on that baby at home.

Then I went to Wallymart and was in line at the Customer Service dept. Ahead was a woman in deep discussion with the clerk. She had a two year old boy sitting in the catbird seat of her shopping cart. He was facing a woman in a wheelchair being pushed by her husband. The kid says to the wheelchair lady "You Fat!" Then he yells "Mama, fat lady!" His mother ignored him; she was trying to return something without a receipt. The kid looked down at the w/c lady and said over and over "You Fat!"
What a brat. I bet he's never been put in a leash.


posted on Sept 9, 2011 5:54 AM ()


well,I am sure they may have a reason for this.Maybe the child is alway taking off?who knows.This I am not surprised with many pervert out there.
People need to take a break.If a person call names,well just ignored it.
That is their problems.People call me old.Do I say anything?no cause I am old.She fat then she fat.
No big deal.(kidding)but fun.We love ya.
comment by fredo on Sept 10, 2011 2:05 PM ()
Well, I'm fat too, but I wouldn't like it if some obnoxious kid said it over and over.
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:24 PM ()
How rude can you be. I had a cousin with twin boys and I think she had to
keep them on a leash because they ran off when loose but it certainly
would not be a preference.
comment by elderjane on Sept 10, 2011 5:29 AM ()
Hi jeri; I can see with rowdy little boys how a parent might want to leash them, but that little girl--I just wanted to pick her up and hug her. Her mother or father didn't talk to the child--it just felt weird to me.
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:21 PM ()
If some kid tried that with me I'd loudly comment on that mother's lack of parenting skills. Something like, "Women who can't be bothered to teach their children manners should be spayed before puberty."
comment by nittineedles on Sept 9, 2011 1:09 PM ()
Hi nittin; I believe breeding women with brats should be spayed!
I tried to distract the kid as I was in line behind the w/c lady by making faces, then he'd try to imitate me. That distracted him for a while, then he went right back to the You Fat thing. I felt sorry for the lady; she was embarrassed and flustered. I wish I had done more.
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:18 PM ()
I don't know what the politically-correct term is for "leash", but Donna used to use one on her profoundly retarded son when he was young. These are kids would would walk into traffic or in front of somebody's wagon full of lumber in Home Depot without a thought. I saw this in Wal-mart the other day. the kid was older, probably 5 or six, but I suppose the parent felt that she couldn't keep track of the kid any other way.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 9, 2011 10:21 AM ()
Hi jj; I suppose there is a place for a leash on a kid, but that little toddling girl should've been picked up by her daddy while he walked around.
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:13 PM ()
Im a firm believer that some children need a good slap sometimes, i remember getting my dads belt and i can tell you whatever it was i did i never did it again.
comment by janeway4eva on Sept 9, 2011 7:51 AM ()
Hello jane; My parents used switches and sometimes a belt when one of us six kids acted up. Try that today and you'd get arrested, but there are some brats who so badly need a spanking--it's the best attitude adjustment measure I know of.
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:09 PM ()
The "You Fat" had to have been learned from the adults bringing him up. I like it when I find a handyman who lets me buy the materials because I don't feel like they are putting on a big markup, just charging for their labor. It saves them having to charge sales tax for the materials, if they worry about that kind of thing.
comment by troutbend on Sept 9, 2011 7:34 AM ()
Yep, that You Fat thing was something that kid heard at home; poor white trash stuff.
Well, I bought a gallon of tar which was way too much. A friend came and re-tarred the flashing and it took less than a gallon, but oh well, I;m ready for next time!
reply by susil on Sept 11, 2011 6:05 PM ()

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