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Sum's MyBloggers Spoon!

Food & Drink > TGIF


Good Morning!

Now that we have our coffee we can begin the day and start it off with a laugh or two.

We are working a four day work week for the month of August. Have I mentioned how much I love my job? LOL!! I am trully blessed.

As I was getting hubby off to work today I opened the curtains and had to take these pictures, what a view I have here.

I bought an MP3 player for work and I have gotten totally hooked on books being read to me as I work. What a concept. I can read or be read to and still hear whats going on around me and be oblivious of the world if I choose to be. I do music too but I tend to sing with the songs and I don't sing well and the girls that I work with start laughing, which I don't notice until we go on break and they start singing to me and I realize what I'm doing so I'm better off with books. LOL!! Although I was listening to a horror story the other day and everytime someone walked up to me, as I was totally engrossed in the story, I jumped a mile. Good thing camera's aren't allowed on the job site.

I'm taking Ra school clothes shopping today. Not looking forward to that. I hate shopping. I go in, know what I want and get the hell out. I am not a people person anymore. I don't like people. They annoy the hell out of me. I don't trust anyone anymore and I hate that about myself. But I'm good with it.

And if I read one more post on blogster about me or my family I'm gonna go postal. Those crazies need to get a life and quit blaming everyone else for their troubles. I've written them off and yet they still have fun blaming me for all their problems. Such is life.

I'm planning a fish meal for supper, not yet sure what fish or how I will prepare it but fish it will be. I'll keep you posted. I really need to post some of the recipes I've been developing lately. Low cal and healthy as we are all still losing weight but filling and quite yummy too. I guess I should get out the cookbooks and figure out supper and then make my list so I can go in and get out. I'll be back.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Aug 8, 2008 4:16 AM ()


Funny cartoons and wonderful pictures!!!! I was once into the talking books, but kind of forgot about them. I loved them because I could be listening to them and have the lights out. And, I still got a story.
Goodness what's going on over at blogster? It seems as if they're always having some argument or other.
I remember how you love to cook... just the opposite of me, but I appreciate others' cooking skills. Take care...
comment by sunlight on Aug 9, 2008 12:28 AM ()
I love audio books
comment by strider333 on Aug 8, 2008 11:32 PM ()
I do not care what day that it is.
When I wake up every morning feeling good and alive.
That is it.Weekdays does not mean a thing to me.
comment by fredo on Aug 8, 2008 2:29 PM ()
nice pics! I love taking pics of the sky! I think we will be school shopping this weekend too. ugh! where did the summer go??
comment by elkhound on Aug 8, 2008 6:28 AM ()

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