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Food & Drink > My Ra is the Greatest Kid on the Planet!

My Ra is the Greatest Kid on the Planet!

This morning he decided that he wanted to give the candle we made last night to his teacher. This teacher called me last week and said that her and her boyfriend went out and bought some school things for some of her kids and would it be alright if she shared with Ra. So Ra made a card this morning and wanted to put the candle on something so I gave him my 4 inch cake crystal cake plate. He said Grandma this is your cake plate that goes with all the other ones and I said when have I ever made a cake that small? He warms my heart with his thoughtfulness.

I talked to my manager at work a bit ago and asked if I could be transferred to our plant in Va. She's gonna talk to the owners and get back to me. She didn't seem to think it a bad idea as I have worked in the home office and know a little about a lot of things. She asked if I'd have trouble with the move if they didn't help and I told her not really but any help would be appreciated.

I have to take Ra this morning to his pre-op appointment. He has polyps in his nasal cavity and they need to be removed. Hasn't this child been through enough already with Dr's? He's just looking forward to having the nurse's wait on him hand and feet. And they all adore him.

I decided to make a move sooner than I anticipated because of John's idiotic sister pulling a u-turn in the middle of Main Street to follow me into a store just to thumb her nose at me that she knew he was with his whore and I could go screw myself. I, being a lady, totally ignored her and walked on my merry way. I love the four seasons here. I love the snow and rain and the spring and summer, but in the same breath I love myself too. I am now going to do what is best for Ra and myself and all others be damned. Besides, I hear the men in the south love a strong willed bitch, who works and has a bad attitude. LOL!!!!

I have got to get ready to take Ra and then I have to go to work. Have a great day and I'll post later.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Sept 9, 2008 5:18 AM ()


yep..... you need to get the heck out of there, new beginnings!!!
comment by cindy on Sept 9, 2008 7:39 AM ()
virginia! that would be closer to me!!!! and its quite lovely in virginia! Ra is definitely a great kid! I am so glad you have him Barb.
comment by elkhound on Sept 9, 2008 5:21 AM ()

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