I've got to get in the shower but wanted to post these jokes this morning before I left for work.

The little Ra of sunshine goes back to school today, hubby will probably be very happy to have the house all to his-self with the both of us gone.
I'll have to take pics of the house, hubby has finally finished putting his finishing touches on the inside of our house that makes it into a home. He does all the decorating, hanging the pictures and arranging the furniture, I'm not good at it. I'm better at working. I'll drive him nuts the last week of the year when I am on vacation for a week. He'll survive! My next vacation isn't until July and that's for two weeks, I think we may be going to Disney world. We're still discussing it.
A girl at work, quite young, has cancer. She beat breast cancer but now it's back with a vengeance. We've been having raffles and such for her at work and this Friday we are having another one. She's not working right now and has a little girl to raise. We'll do what we can. I think in two weeks we're having another in Epsom at the Elks Hall. That one is still in the planning stages. Hell just for the 50/50 raffle we raised 500 bucks, the guy that won gave his half back so that Jess could have it all. Things like this make you appreciate what you have all the more. Keep her in your prayers, please. I'll post more on this later.
Gotta run, or I'll be late.
Happy Cooking,
P.S. Supper tonight is chicken stew and cheesy biscuits. I'll share the recipe's from the cakes and the supper tonight later.