Last night after the grandbabies left hubby and I went and met a couple of friends at the local bar, since I quit drinking I'm the designated driver. Anyway I thought that I'd try my hand at pool, I suck! When I drank I played really well but sober I can't play at all. But I can dance. I cut a mean rug. LOL! And I'll dance alone, not a problem. Of course the girls wouldn't let me but I danced for a bit. Then hubby had a coughing fit and I had to bring his happy ass home.
I'll be back in a few to give my recipe's for the birthday supper. I'm gonna make cheeseburgers with a flair and a chocolate cake with white chocolate mousse frosting and since I believe that the moms deserve a special little something I'm making my step daughter a New York cheesecake.
Happy Cooking,