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Life & Events > Sundays


, Sundays evolve like hairdos.  When I was a kid, they were simple,
uncomplicated times to motor to grandma & grandpa’s house.  I could wear a striped t-shirt and shorts and
just be myself.  Everybody loved me.

As a teenager, the day became terribly complicated
by hormones and angst.  The family
dynamic was as regularly jagged as a torn page and, even on Sunday, I got the
blame for everything from forgetting the lemonade to making my sister cry.  My love for the day went up in the smoke I
was secretly puffing.

Sundays in college were soured by the need to
prepare for Monday quizzes and other similar character builders such as papers,
speaking assignments, and holding my own in group sessions.  Switching majors could only solve so many
issues for so long.  Decisions had to be
made and Sunday was the deadline day.

After remaining in school for as long as possible to
avoid “life,” one ultimately enters the real world with a coagulate mix of
trepidation, excitement, and absolute dread.  The Sunday prior to one’s first day at WORK stands as one of life’s prominent
nadirs.  Clothing must be exactly right
and the hair, the hair has to be better looking than reasonably possible, even
on a dry, windless day.

A lengthy progression of decades then ensues during
which Sundays become evaluative times, days to dip into rare moments of deliberation,
self-study, and taking stock of where you are as opposed to where you hoped to
be.  In other words, Sundays really suck.

Eventually, if you live that long, you get to
experience Sundays in retirement.  By
this point, you have become inured to your fate and maybe even, if you’re
lucky, able to look in the mirror with a certain degree of pride that you have
made it this far.  On the minus side, you
do have to get used to what you have come to look like but, on the other hand,
Sundays aren’t much different than the other six days.  Plus, you can now go back to just wearing a
striped t-shirt and shorts and everybody loves you. 

posted on May 19, 2013 8:19 AM ()


I was looking for food and a mentor.
comment by fredo on May 20, 2013 9:40 AM ()
My favorite days of the week are weekdays because most everything I want to do is available. When I worked, of course, Saturday was my favorite. I had the day off and all the shops were open. I rarely know what day of the week it is now because retirement can do that to you. Sunday was my least favorite, because I was anticipating Monday. Yes, all day.
comment by tealstar on May 20, 2013 9:11 AM ()
Sunday is my favorite day. It is the day when I can lounge around in my
pajamas, read the Sunday paper, serve breakfast late and go to the movies
if there is a good one available. It is the day that I give myself permission to be lazy.
comment by elderjane on May 20, 2013 4:55 AM ()
I suspect pajamas were invented just for Sundays...
reply by steeve on May 20, 2013 12:29 PM ()
I love Sunday.Hit the flea market to see if I can find anything to make a buck.Not sure if I was a teen ager.Just a young pup looking for the sunset.
comment by fredo on May 19, 2013 1:57 PM ()
I hope you didn't sleep thru your teen years.
reply by steeve on May 19, 2013 5:08 PM ()
I prefer weekdays. Morning Edition on NPR if I wake up too early, mail delivery, appointments... Even campgrounds are too crowded on weekends.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 19, 2013 10:27 AM ()
I remember a time when I preferred weekdays too. Now it doesn't make a bit of difference.
reply by steeve on May 19, 2013 5:09 PM ()
Geez, when my oldest daughter was 14, I was a nervous wreck. Good luck with the teen years!
comment by steeve on May 19, 2013 10:21 AM ()
Football season Sundays are one thing, and then there is the rest of the year. I'm a great one for Feels Like when it comes to the day of the week. Sometimes Saturday Feels Like Sunday, so when Sunday finally comes, it Feels Like a bonus day.
comment by troutbend on May 19, 2013 8:50 AM ()
I think the trick is to make every day feel like a bonus day.
reply by steeve on May 19, 2013 10:19 AM ()
Well I will never be one of "People" magazines 50 sexiest men, I can live with that. So for now I am content with my looks, I haven't changed a whole lot in the last few years. Sunday's here are usually the day my oldest daughter(14)announces that she has made plans with a friend..and I must take her somewhere to meet. Otherwise Sunday is a day for anticipating my children return to school on Monday.
comment by redwolftimes on May 19, 2013 8:40 AM ()
I think the thing that throws me is her emotions that run so hot and cold, she gets angry and a few minutes later she's as sweet as pie...but of course she wants something
reply by redwolftimes on May 20, 2013 6:57 AM ()
Geez, when my oldest daughter was 14, I was a nervous wreck. Good luck with the teen years!
reply by steeve on May 19, 2013 10:22 AM ()

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