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Life & Events > Beer on the Porch

Beer on the Porch

I DON'T drink beer often but, when I do, I don't prefer Dos Equis. I am the least interesting man in the world.

On my back porch as I write this, I do not have two attractive women leaning toward me in provocative enchantment at my every word, even as I sip my choice of beer, which is actually Newcastle Brown Ale. I have noticed, however, and I do not hesitate to relate that, with every swig, I do become more interesting.

Because my porch is unscreened, there is what sounds from his buzz to be a rather large fly orbiting around my head, one of my least favorite experiences that invariably causes me to think of my most favorite poet, Emily Dickinson, who wrote "I heard a Fly buzz when I died." I hope this doesn't mean I'm about to kick off.

I believe, now that I am on my second bottle of brown ale, that I am unarguably more interesting now than when I took my first swig. In fact, I am beginning to imagine two very attractive women, one on either side of me, leaning toward me enough to expose wonderful cleavage. I suspect that were I to verbalize my thoughts it would be in an enticing but obviously intelligent Hispanic accent.

The sagebrush plants near me have been trimmed of their lower growth which, to me, makes them more pleasant, like miniature trees. Since, as I have admitted often, I am unabashedly a tree hugger of long standing, this gives the sage a more appropriate appearance, like a rock star with long, scruffy hair, or lesbians with butch hairdos.

The second bottle of brown ale is now about 3/4 gone and I can tell you without fear of contradiction that I am more interesting. It is clear to me that I need not cavort with indigenous tribes in faraway places, or pull huge tarpon into a boat in the blue Atlantic, to be considered as the most interesting man in the world. In fact, to hell with this fakey Hispanic accent; I'm sticking with my unaffected, plain-talking man-on-the-street patois.

But the two gorgeous women sitting here with me have Hispanic accents and look like Selma Hayek.

posted on June 19, 2013 7:46 AM ()


Best suds I ever drank ever was Utica Club Dark on draft in a saloon in lower Manhattan in the 60s. It made your whole mouth pucker. I liked the hot dogs too. I rarely have beer because of the calories -- but if I am in a German restaurant having knockwurst, well ...
comment by tealstar on June 22, 2013 4:58 PM ()
I remember Utica Club from when I was in school near Albany in the early Sixties. We used to drink what were called splits, which were smallish bottles of beer, in a pickup bar near Albany State.
reply by steeve on June 22, 2013 6:26 PM ()
Blood hell mate would like to see you after 2 Darwin stubbies as we call them . each hold 2 x 26 ounces of beer.
was a steady drinker years ago , even if i wanted a beer the price of a pint is $5.60 bit rich for me too swallow
comment by kevinshere on June 20, 2013 3:14 AM ()
Actually, what I wrote was 95% imagination & only 5% ale.
reply by steeve on June 20, 2013 8:13 AM ()
Blue Moon Ale Belgian White for me.
comment by troutbend on June 19, 2013 4:46 PM ()
Hey, I'll have to try that if I can find it.
reply by tealstar on June 22, 2013 4:56 PM ()
I concur!
reply by jondude on June 19, 2013 5:13 PM ()
I don't care for any alcoholic beverages but, from what I've been told, the buzz you experienced may not have been from a fly.
comment by miker on June 19, 2013 4:39 PM ()
Now I'm starting to wonder if that was really Selma Hayek...
reply by steeve on June 19, 2013 7:25 PM ()
I have noticed how interesting I become during happy hour. Just ask my
comment by elderjane on June 19, 2013 3:35 PM ()
Hey, it's not called "happy hour" for nothing, right?
reply by steeve on June 19, 2013 7:26 PM ()
I loathe beer sorry.Vodka is my drink and will be going on the deck soon.Enjoy the beer.
What no men there .
comment by fredo on June 19, 2013 1:30 PM ()
I enjoy vodka too, something I picked up while in Russia in '93.
reply by steeve on June 19, 2013 3:13 PM ()
Geez... you were really interesting until I realized that it wasn't a huge tampon that you pulled into the boat.... and I'm not even sipping caffeine.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 19, 2013 10:48 AM ()
Sounds like you should be sipping (at least) some caffeine.
reply by steeve on June 19, 2013 12:49 PM ()

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