This is Bart the Cat in his natural state. Bart, by the way, is short for BartholoMEW. As with all but one of our cats, this sweet, needy boy adopted us. He just showed up one day, obviously looking for a family to replace whatever people had abandoned him.
I wish I had a better photo that showed his nice white chest. You can see he has white feet. Bart rarely lets me out of his sight. He will hang around the side door, trying his best to get me to have a eureka moment and go outdoors with him. Then he is happiest. Sometimes, out of sheer feline frustration, he will give up on me and venture out on his own. We have enough space, and we are isolated from traffic, that he is safe.
Now, when he is inside, as with all cats, he has his favorite spots. One is on our bed. Sometimes he will sleep with us at night. He spends some day time on one of the blue recliners in the living room. During the winter, he often plopped down in front of a space heater. If I'm watching TV, Bart will be there, managing the remote control (the "dooey").
This morning, apparently aware that we needed to get up to get stuff done, he put his face nose-to-nose with mine and meowed. That got me up and, coincidentally, got him his breakfast to boot.