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Arts & Culture > Vivaldi's Four Seasons

Vivaldi's Four Seasons

We're a few days away from the official start of summer (solstice speaking), but our temperatures and lack of rain says otherwise. Still, I love the heat. Beats the cold.

I got a taste of all 4 seasons last night listening to Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" with Bill McGlochland (sp?) hosting (on radio). His commentary regarding what the composer was trying to say was informative. I had no idea. (I'm still amazed at how much I have to learn--and time is running out!)

Anyway, Vivaldi's music is incredible. It is not only beautiful, it's powerful and inspirational. It grabs me by the throat and makes me throw up my arms like an orchestra conductor. There is something about Baroque music that gets to my inner "soul". If there IS anything spiritual about me, it's what this kind of music does to me. It gives me an indescribable feeling--sort of a "teary-eyed proud feeling", like seeing your daughter picking up her college diploma.

I try not to be a musical snob or anything, but I can't help but criticize the world of insipid music most people listen to. I'm positive I'm a "one percenter" when it comes to appreciating good music. (Yes, and how do we define "good"?) Teal and Fredo knows what I'm talking about.

Well, have a good weekend. And Happy Fathers Day to all you men out there.

posted on June 16, 2012 5:04 AM ()


I love Vivaldi. His jealous contemporaries accused him of writing the same piece 500 times. Not true but kind of funny. My favorite composer is an American- Samuel Barber.
comment by dragonflyby on July 6, 2012 7:29 PM ()
Yes I am a member of the snob club. As for today's music, a lot of it is message music and it seems to give young people a kind of emotional support. But its melodies are not impressive, very repetitive, artists singing them don't have special voices. It's ho hum for me. Some of it of course also actually makes my teeth hurt.
comment by tealstar on June 18, 2012 2:39 PM ()
Well stated. To paraphrase, I know good music when I hear it. Hope you're doing fine.
reply by solitaire on June 19, 2012 4:11 AM ()
Vivaldi is one of my favorite composers, and his "Four Seasons" is a masterwork!
comment by marta on June 16, 2012 8:06 PM ()
Great--glad to hear it!!
reply by solitaire on June 17, 2012 5:38 AM ()
I'll join your snob club. Baroque is the only REAL music (tongue in cheek).
comment by jerms on June 16, 2012 2:27 PM ()
Oh, I DO appreciate Baroque. Played it for years. "Tongue in cheek" so as to not offend those who appreciate other kinds of "music", so called. LOL
reply by jerms on June 17, 2012 6:32 AM ()
Tongue in cheek? So do you or don't you appreciate Baroque? In any case, I'll accept your membership in my "snob club".
reply by solitaire on June 17, 2012 5:37 AM ()
I think the listener decides what is good, no? I am glad it makes ya happy though - that's the important part. It amazes me how music can take you to a different time and place and also elevate or depress your mood... I love it.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 16, 2012 6:09 AM ()
What ever floats your boat--if it makes you happy. However, I DO know what makes for good music--and what doesn't.
reply by solitaire on June 17, 2012 5:35 AM ()
played this all the time.The disc is getting worn out.Play this mostly when I am home alone.
Pump up the volume.You a snob really.Well then get over it.(kidding)Happy Daddy Day.
comment by fredo on June 16, 2012 5:34 AM ()
I'm sure the neighbors love hearing your LOUD music! Crank it up, baby!
reply by solitaire on June 17, 2012 5:33 AM ()

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