If you heard a long, loud, piercing scream last night, sorry. I had just heard (or would have if I hadn't muted) the umpteenth commercial on my two most unfavorite words in the English language: erectile disfunction.
I need not go into details why they are so vile to my sense of common decency. I'm just glad such ads weren't on when my children were young. How embarrassing for their father.
They're just plain revolting and disgusting, and I'm no prude.
There. I've gotten that off my chest.
On a positive note, I picked 1.5 gallons, yes, gallons, of raspberries yesterday. Then I froze them. What a crop this year.
I'll get around to reading some of your blogs later. I'm way behind in my "chores".
incontinence and femiinine problems and the hair
curls with distaste for all of them. There must be
a better way to get this kind of info to those who
want it.