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Home & Garden > Tv's E.d. Ads

Tv's E.d. Ads

If you heard a long, loud, piercing scream last night, sorry. I had just heard (or would have if I hadn't muted) the umpteenth commercial on my two most unfavorite words in the English language: erectile disfunction.

I need not go into details why they are so vile to my sense of common decency. I'm just glad such ads weren't on when my children were young. How embarrassing for their father.
They're just plain revolting and disgusting, and I'm no prude.

There. I've gotten that off my chest.

On a positive note, I picked 1.5 gallons, yes, gallons, of raspberries yesterday. Then I froze them. What a crop this year.

I'll get around to reading some of your blogs later. I'm way behind in my "chores".

posted on July 1, 2008 1:19 PM ()


I know just how ya feel. We also have ads for
incontinence and femiinine problems and the hair
curls with distaste for all of them. There must be
a better way to get this kind of info to those who
want it.
comment by tealstar on July 4, 2008 4:27 AM ()
I know, how many ED commercials do we need. Viagra is now a term everyone knows
comment by ekyprogressive on July 3, 2008 5:10 AM ()
My favorite time of the year to eat as much fresh fruits and veggies as possible, daily!!! You inspire me with the quanities you have picked and frozen!! The kids picked black cherries in May/June buckets and buckets!!!
It is the first year our plum tree is loaded!!!
The ADS and B*%@S+&@!..... contributed to me not having a TV in my house
for the last 6+ years!!

I only listen to community radio with ZERO commercials...WWW.KZFR 90.1 on the FM dial or online....
I am lucky I could never sit long enough to watch TV let alone the ADS!!!!!!!

I so agree with KRISTILYN so lets make sure the males think twice before complaining about ED ads!!! I agree they have a PILL for everything and all of the side effects as well!! ACKKKKKKKKKKKK

BUT try being a woman and hearing all the "not so fresh" ads or tampon ads or pad ads or PMS ads or Menopause ads or or or -
aka - Women have it worse in that repsect!

Enjoy the peace and quiet, cover up your TV with a lovely table cloth for a week or two, it's very FREEING!!
comment by darkstar on July 1, 2008 7:09 PM ()
THAT is a huge amount of raspberries! They are so good and so good for you! FRESH! You are most fortunate. You notice I'm ignoring the ads... I ignore them when they come on. There are lots of things that just should never see the light of the advertising world in our homes.
comment by sunlight on July 1, 2008 5:04 PM ()
Nothing is taboo anymore...
comment by looserobes on July 1, 2008 4:50 PM ()
OMG, everything is fair game in advertising these days!
I'm off to the Farmer's Market tomorrow, and I'm praying for raspberries! Heavenly!
comment by marta on July 1, 2008 2:58 PM ()
I am right behind you in the raspberry picking. Ours are just about ready to start picking. Can't wait!
comment by shesaidwhat on July 1, 2008 2:43 PM ()
I like the one with Ed who is getting all these sidelong glances from all the women. He is dressed in a Santa suit and it never fails to tickle me.Sorry!
comment by elderjane on July 1, 2008 2:04 PM ()
Mmmmmmm... Rspberries! Yum! Raspberry-Rhubarb pie...Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
comment by whereabouts on July 1, 2008 2:02 PM ()
AWESOME on the raspberries!!! YUM!

And as far as the ED ads, I don't like em either. They ruined Viva Las Vegas if ya ask me!

BUT try being a woman and hearing all the "not so fresh" ads or tampon ads or pad ads or PMS ads or Menopause ads or or or -
aka - Women have it worse in that repsect!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 1, 2008 1:46 PM ()
Sorry, that just came out of left field and had me laughing!

On a serious note - I do actually agree!!

Care to share some of those Raspberries?
comment by greeneyedgemini on July 1, 2008 1:29 PM ()

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