Guess if I'm going to find a woman to take care of me in my old age, I'm going to have to become religious.
In a recent survey, 92% of Americans believe in God. It wasn't gender specific, but I'm guessing it's higher for women.
I had my eye on someone until I found out she was a regular church goer. I'm sure I'd be taboo if she knew I was an 8 percenter. Religion (or lack thereof) cost me (in part) my first marriage. I was the "anti-christ". Her words.
Another thing in that survey defies explanation: "21% of self-identified atheist said they believe in God or a universal spirit, with 8% "absolutely certain" of it."
And just for your information, 74% of Americans believe in life after death and 63% say their respective scriptures are the word of God. I don't have to tell you how I feel about that.
said to Ed , "If I go first, you could joint a Christian Singles
club." He's Jewish. But even if he weren't, the thought nauseates.
I want to believe in life after death because I miss my loved ones.
Anyway, it isn't so much a believe in a universal spirit that bothers me. It's the way many believers conduct themselves that is
the major turn off. Sanctimony truly offends.