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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > No Good Deed Update

No Good Deed Update

Well.... So much for trying to arrange for my children to see their Father's side of his family yesterday at my ex-husbands family reunion.

It was a disaster.

My ex-husband told our daughter there was construction on the way to Aunt Beth's house and that's why he couldn't/wouldn't drop her off there. (Not true even...) My daughter Sara was so upset. She felt tricked and betrayed by her Dad. My ex-husband had just agreed to let Sara go to 'HIS' brother's (Aunt Beth's husband) house, the day before, yet he didn't even bother to let Beth know that she wasn't coming. Beth and her daughter Katie were worried about where Sara was and why she wasn't there yet so they called Sara's cell phone to see what was up. When Beth found out that Sara was sitting in her Dad's car, crying... Beth immediately left her house to go pick Sara up. (as previously planned and AGREED to by Sara's father, my ex)

Well... my ex-husband and his wife had a FIT about this. They felt like Beth was interfering and that Sara was being manipulative.

I'm sorry... WHAT??????

If my ex-husband couldn't drop Sara off BECAUSE of construction, then what is the big deal with Beth going to retrieve Sara from the parking lot of the ice arena as we had planned????

I'll tell you what...

My ex-husband and his HORRIBLE wife NEVER had any intentions of taking the kids to his family reunion. Me allowing and encouraging the kids to be available for this event doesn't fit in their tired old pathetic agenda of making me look bad.

And it seems to have really ticked off my ex-husbands wife to realize that Beth and I still talk. I think my ex-husband and his wife were under the delusion that since I never showed up anymore at his brother's houses for events ... they had somehow succeeded in the demise of our friendships. LOL and ha ha.... "WE'VE ALL" just stopped making my ex-husband and his wife aware of our friendships. I decided to stop going to his families events when my ex-husband and his wife would be there. The kids stopped telling their Dad when they'd see his side of the family when they were with me because my ex and his wife would blow up. That would make any kid figure out NOT to bring that type of subject matter again. It was the same for the brothers. It's not that I haven't seen them and their wives. They just don't include or share that tidbit of information outside of our fellow family "supporters", lol.

Anyway..... because Beth had gone to get Sara.... NOW my ex-husband and his wife HAD TO GO TO THE REUNION because it was agreed between me and my ex that he would bring Jake and Sara back to me. My ex and his wife were ANGRY because their plan to sabotage "MY" plan backfired and they were forced to now go with Jake to the reunion because that's where Sara was.

When my ex-husband and his horrible wife got to the reunion, they only stayed for 25 minutes and then decided to bring Jake and Sara home. It was 5:30pm. The reunion lasted until 9:30pm and everybody wasn't even there yet. They hadn't even eaten. Beth pleaded with my ex to PLEASE let the kids stay and she would drive them to my house when the reunion was over. The kids just wanted to see their family! But my ex's horrible wife said "No, we need to get them back to their Mother as this is her weekend." (What a crock! Trust me... my ex and his wife are NEVER worried about having my kids with them when it's my parenting time with them.)

Beth told them that "Terri has generously given up her evening with the kids because it is important to her and to the kids to spend time with these relatives that they've not seen in years. She knows they're here. It's her weekend and she wants the kids to stay here."

My ex and his wife didn't care. "They" apparently made a "family decision" that the kids needed to go home. Sara was crying when she went to get her purse off the picnic table. My ex's wife pulled Jake out of the soccer game he was playing with his cousins. What a shame!

Sara said "why are we leaving, you just got here?" and they said again some bullshit about getting the kids back to their Mother.

Sara said "Mom and Mark went out because they knew we'd be gone all night. They're not even home." This is true. Mark and I were out. Thank Goodness Sara took a house key. She cried all the way home.

Then... get this....

My ex-husband and his bitch wife went BACK to the reunion immediately following the drop off of the kids. They stayed less than an hour... you know... long enough for it to get back to me that I don't have a say about what goes on when it concerns my ex-husband's family... even when it's "my" weekend with "my" kids.

God, I hope it was worth it to them. Sara had little faith in her Dad to begin with and he has absolutely destroyed her with this latest betrayal.

My ex-sister-in-law Beth talked to me today and basically confirmed that just about everyone at the reunion thinks my ex and his horrible wife are assholes. They were dead wrong. It was obvious that they were acting this way because I had been involved and communicating with my ex's family members about setting up a time slot that the kids could see their relatives.

(One time before this, my ex-sister-in-law Michelle wanted all the grandkids on my ex-husbands side to sit for a photo shoot as a gift for the grandparents, my ex's parents. Well... she ended up making the appointment during my weekend with the kids and of course I was more than happy to adjust my schedule so that my three kids would be at the shoot. My ex-husband and his wife demanded that "I" not be allowed to drive my own kids to the studio because the photo was a gift for "his" parents. LOL LOL LOL LOL... we ALL got a huge kick out of that one. Ummmmmm.... sorry...you don't TELL me what to do when the kids are spending their court ordered time with me. What a$$holes!! My husband Mark and I went out for coffee with my ex-husband's brother and his wife after the shoot, lol.)

Anyhow... today my daughter Sara said to me... "I will never trust him again and I will never ever go anywhere with him when I am supposed to be with you. He tricked me."

Instead of my ex embracing this opportunity of extra time with his kids to visit with his relatives at HIS reunion, he instead turned it into a battle of control.

Here I thought my ex-husband and I were moving in a forward positive direction together as parents ...

But now I see... Sadly... it's just me moving forward.

My ex and his wife are apparently stuck in fresh anger and animosity every day of their pitiful lives. How sad.

I hope my ex-husband and his wife truly enjoy each other's company, because one day soon, based on their constant ridiculous behavior towards EVERYONE ... all they'll have left... is... each other.

posted on Aug 24, 2008 5:22 PM ()


Oh Ho Ho a FAMILY decision huh. Family decision PIGS ARSE. What horrible inconsiderate nasty pieces of work these two mongrels be.

I can feel very sad for their offspring if indeed they do manage to reproduce. 'Cause they sure as sh*t are pretty crappy with yours.
comment by dazeymae on Aug 26, 2008 9:21 PM ()
My parents loved and hated each other with equal intensity. They never divorced, but they did holler a lot. My older sis and I would take Sylvia, the baby, and hide in an upstairs closet with her, playing games and being very noisy do she couldn't hear. We envied the kids whose parents were divorced. We always protected her, but she was never safe. It all seems so Long ago, and now she is dead. Things happen. Life goes on, I forget just why.
comment by thestephymore on Aug 26, 2008 6:22 AM ()
That is just utterly crazy. Your poor kids.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Aug 25, 2008 8:29 PM ()
Wow, wow, wow... They are unbelievable! Argh. I don't even know what to say, except that they totally deserve each other and your children deserve better!
comment by mellowdee on Aug 25, 2008 8:01 PM ()
What Marg said is right, kids 'will' make up their own minds in the end. One thing I know from my own experiences with my parted parents and thats don't visit where the sun don't shine. Since I've grown up I do what I want, on most occasions I don't see either of my parents, sometimes they'll be lucky if I see them twice a year - thats my own choice. I should make more effort though.
comment by lynnie on Aug 25, 2008 6:57 PM ()
Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Are they just plain crazy?????
Wow the lengths they go to just to hurt you and control the kids.
I cant imagine someone working that hard to hurt others...too much energy all in the wrong places.
Just remember, what goes around comes around. It always does, sometimes not right away, but it comes...
comment by sybilmariee on Aug 25, 2008 3:49 AM ()
I don't think it will be very long before your kids don't want to spend any time with their father.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 24, 2008 9:06 PM ()
I know that you know this but it's so hard to see adults using pawns. Whether the marriage worked or not the kids shouldn't pay for the mistakes!
comment by peanutsmom on Aug 24, 2008 6:26 PM ()
This is soooo infuriating to hear. What disgusting behavior! And it is crystal clear to your dear kids that they are caught in the middle of pathetic game-playing and manipulation. I wish it all could be different, but your ex is seeding and planting a load of bitterness and anger in his children he will be eating for the rest of his life.
Have a (((HUG))) for you and your sweet kids!
comment by marta on Aug 24, 2008 5:43 PM ()

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