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The Front Porch Gazette

Politics & Legal > On the Trail..campaign That Is

On the Trail..campaign That Is

It seems that this presidential campaign can be summed up as "MudFest 08". John McCain clearly behind Barack Obama has found it necessary to resort to low brow tactics to discredit his opponent. I will say I have not made a choice on which candidate to support, but I do believe no good can come of this type of campaign that McCain has decided to run. As this campaign has progressed I have noticed certain "chinks" in McCain's armor that could cost him the election this fall. I noticed when it comes to prepared speeches John McCain is somewhat faultless, but when asked off the cuff questions he falters somewhat. Also in my mind I have to wonder what effect being a POW or 5 years has done to him in the long term, will his condition worsen..as in Ronald Reagan's case who knows how long was he into his second term before his Alzheimer's started to set in. I have also noticed that when McCain cannot come up with an answer to a tough question he usually will make light of it and not take it seriously, to me this is not a great sign. I know Obama is young and untested, especially in foreign policy but I'm beginning to think that maybe this country is ready to take a different approach to running this It seems that this presidential campaign can be summed up as "MudFest 08". John McCain clearly behind Barack Obama has found it necessary to resort to low brow tactics to discredit his opponent. I will say I have not made a choice on which candidate to support, but I do believe no good can come of this type of campaign that McCain has decided to run. As this campaign has progressed I have noticed certain "chinks" in McCain's armor that could cost him the election this fall. I noticed when it comes to prepared speeches John McCain is somewhat faultless, but when asked off the cuff questions he falters somewhat. Also in my mind I have to wonder what effect being a POW or 5 years has done to him in the long term, will his condition worsen..as in Ronald Reagan's case who knows how long was he into his second term before his Alzheimer's started to set in. I have also noticed that when McCain cannot come up with an answer to a tough question he usually will make light of it and not take it seriously, to me this is not a great sign. I know Obama is young and untested, especially in foreign policy but I'm beginning to think that maybe this country is ready to take a different approach to running things. Like I said I have made a clear choice as of yet, I guess I am waiting to see what the vice presidential choice will be..till then we need to keep asking the tough questions for this is not only our future but also our childrens.

posted on Aug 2, 2008 12:36 PM ()


we are all waiting on this.I believed most of this
trash is causing by the media.Or they sort of improvised their
words.Once they picked their running mate,then we will
have a clear aspect what is happening.
Would it be nice if both cantidate picked a women VP
this will be awesome.Get ready to claw at each other.
Nothing like a good cat fight
comment by fredo on Aug 2, 2008 1:40 PM ()

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