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The Front Porch Gazette

Politics & Legal > John Edwards, My Thoughts

John Edwards, My Thoughts

In watching the news about John Edwards and his debacle that he is currently embroiled in certain thoughts have crossed my mind, thoughts that I thought I'd share today.
I wondered why Edwards has been thoroughly trashed by all the media while Bill Clinton came out basically unscathed after his affair with Monica, even though that wasn't his first affair. I came to the conclusion that the American peoples perception of John Edwards is far different then former President Clinton's. President Clinton was a noted philanderer even before "Monicagate", so I guess to that
end nobody ( even those that staunchly defended him )were surprised by the revelation of marriage infidelity and the lying about which followed. But to us John Edwards was portrayed as a dedicated and loving spouse, the epitome of a loyal husband and family man. Well I guess the American people and media were taken in by this snake oil salesman, and I guess we all feel betrayed by this whole situation. But the person that I feel for is John Edwards wife and family, for now they must relive this lie all over again
via the media outlets. I guess if I were to make a comparison it would be like the first time you were told there was no Santa Claus, well maybe not that dramatic..but close. I guess the lesson we learned here is an old one, "you can't always judge a book by it's cover", and no matter what we thought or perceived about John Edwards one thing will remain clear. John Edwards is just a human being who showed a lack of character, and made a poor moral choice in conducting his personal life. Not only will he have to live with that so will his family, so any other words would be unnecessary and pointless.

posted on Aug 12, 2008 12:45 PM ()


I was surprised to see the replay of some interview from awhile back when he flatly denied the affair and now the truth is out. Didn't realize this started happening months ago. It seems like if we had a candidate who was faithful to his wife the political enemies would dig up some dirt about mental illness or the children or being mean to the dog or going to the wrong church. It never ends.
comment by troutbend on Aug 13, 2008 10:33 AM ()
Great leaders have great compassion...they need to reel that in though
comment by strider333 on Aug 12, 2008 7:06 PM ()
There's no Santa Claus You just blew my whole day.On a more serious note,I think that Edwards wife having breast cancer factors into the whole story.She isn't expected to live much longer and she has to deal with this now.So sad......Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 12, 2008 1:06 PM ()
Bill Clinton had more class than JE.
comment by fredo on Aug 12, 2008 1:00 PM ()

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